Russian tank pressed into German service |
Above tank is generally known as P40-painted as used by Germans in anti-partisan actions and at least once against Brits in 1945, originally an Italian vehicle. |
An irregular and light-hearted look at the Wargames scene ....
Russian tank pressed into German service |
Above tank is generally known as P40-painted as used by Germans in anti-partisan actions and at least once against Brits in 1945, originally an Italian vehicle. |
This week sees me finish my last of my current supply of Arthurians I'm already planning for a number of new units but I'm unlikely to get hold of these before the close of this year's challenge.
10 x Gripping Beast figures (with some head swaps) painted up with tan tunics, green trim and white/red shields. I need to look for some white/green white/blue transfers to get some more variety. |
Rear rank brought to the front |
Close-up on the command figures, not very clear in the photo but he standard bearer has had a Victrix cloak added, the musiciuan's horn is, I believe, from the Conquest Figures Norman set. |
Again these guys are all Gripping Beast with head swaps, I still need to source a suitable transfer for the standard. |
Close-up on the left of the unit, I wanted the skin tones to be significantly lighter than the Goblins and Orcs in my army, I'll now have to retro-fit this skin tone tyo my two Snotling Pump Wagon Crews - but that is for another time..... |
5 Goblin odds and ends, painted to fill out the ranks of exiting units that have had real life casualties (well 2 were broken and 3 went AWOL!) |
I tried to give this unit much darker wolves, this was only partially successful as the drybrushing ended up lightening a number of these beasties. |
Just a small post this week using up some Legio Heroica 15mm Muslims. I have a Muslim Crusader period army so these were left over from that.
I am hoping to use the Muslim Crusader Army as the Muslim armies in Spain as they are fairly generic. However, apart from the Mamelukes, I have painted the outstanding figures as Muslims more specific to Spain.
There are six cavalry units, each of 9 mounted figures and one unit of infantry, 16 figures.
When your Greenskin army already has 40 or so Goblin Wolf Riders the question is do you need another 10 of the little guys!
Completed unit, wolves were undercoated grey, drybrushed white and then give a coat of Army Painter Rune Grey to give them some depth. |
Another view of the unit focusing on the command group, in my opinion focusing painting time on some obvous details such as the wolves' mouths, teeth and tongues distracts the viewers eyes away form the less detailed parts! |
And another view, note two skulls on the banner. |
I'm not sure if it is accurate to show the archers placing arrows in the ground ready to fire, but I had some of the Perry arrows in my bits box - so used them |
As mentioned in my last posted I had decided to start an Impetus army after listening to the brilliant interview of of Lorenzo Sartori on the Yarkshire Gamers Podcast (a second plug for you Ken, not that you probably need it).
Sartori is the Italian author of the Impetus rule set, and as I was struggling to decide what to paint next, listening to the interview was rather fortuitous. Hence a Impetus army made by an Italian figure manufacturer.
The army however, is Spanish so the theme seemed to die off a bit here. All the figures are 15mm Legio Heroica, sadly it would seem no longer in production after the passing of the owner. The mounted units are made up of 9 mounted figures and the infantry 16.
The Spanish Reconquista Army
Its a smallish army consisting of 10 mounted units and 6 infantry.
The Generals
One C-in-C and two sub generals (28pts)
Two Hildalgos Units (Basically mounted Knights) (72pts)
Two more Hildalgos Units (72pts)
Two more Hildalgos Units (72pts)
The Last Two Hildalgos Units (72pts)
Two Andalusian Cavalry Units (72pts)
Two Heavy Spear Infantry (64pts)
Four Units of Medium Spear (128pts)
I have added Spanish shields to these as they figures are from the Crusade Range and they came with kite and round shields.
Slingers (10pts)
A small army totalling 590 pts
French Foreign Legion (FFL).
Yet again, Peter Pig tempted me with a discount voucher just before the challenge. Having no will power whatsoever I purchased some Modern French Foreign Legion figures. Then realised I would need some transport for them. So, while the Reconquistas bases were drying I painted the vehicles below.
These are six 15mm VBMR Griffon (3D printed but I can't remember by whom) 48pts
And one AMX 10 (8pts)
FFL points 56pts
Total Post = 646pts