Instead of me writing reams more I shall instead show the battle in map form at various stages of the game because as they say “a picture paints a thousand words”. As you look at the maps it may appear that the Crown had the better of it but after looking at the casualty returns Lakes wing was on the verge of collapse. The game lasted 32 moves with each move representing 15 minutes of real time.
Photo’s of the game will soon be available <here>.
Overview of the battlefield.
For the topography I’d scanned in the area of the battlefield from an Irish Ordnance survey map of county Wexford. I have many such maps covering the main theatres of operation during the conflict. The size of Enniscorthy was deduced from looking at the Irish Ordnance survey – Historical mapping section on their web site. They have maps going back as far as 1830. I’d encourage anyone interested in wargaming Irelands turbulent past to use both of these forms of media to get a good idea of the terrain that these battles were fought over.
Initial deployment

5am to 6am After nearly breaking Lakes centre Murphy’s now spent troops collapse allowing Lake to bring his remaining artillery back into action. These along with withering musket fire tear into Murphy’s remaining troops stopping them from closing. Barkers troops remain on the other side of the river unable to deploy due to a lack of room. Much to the annoyance of Lake Bynes manages to overrun his Brandy cabinet ensuring that after dinner cigars will not be part of this evening’s entertainment. Perry continues to take a terrible pounding from Loftus and Duff but refuses to budge. Having taken the western part of the Town Johnston and Moore try to dislodge Kearns remaining men by bombarding the east side of Enniscorthy.

7am to 8am After a hard fought fight what remains of Murphy’s command breaks giving Barker the opportunity to get to grips with Lake. Needham’s Cavalry chop half of the UI artillery to dog meat with every intent of finishing the job as soon as they can. Needham’s infantry turn up forcing Roche to split his command in two and negating any further advance. Byrne continues to poke the eye of Lake by drinking yet more of his Brandy whilst his men frustrate Lakes attempts to force them off the hill. Johnston and Moore continue to pound Enniscorthy. Loftus and Duff start their advance into the rear of the UI forces
8am to 9am having had enough of Lakes Brandy and his fill of “grape” quits the field. Having finished off the UI Artillery Needham’s cavalry inhibits Roche’s advance any further. Taking sustained artillery fire Roches men hold their ground allowing what remains of the Wexford army to retreat in good order.