Following the unlucky defeat on the Harrisburg battlefield, your army is awaiting further orders. Whilst your 1st Infantry Division took a pounding after holding off two enemy divisions and throwing one back in confusion.

All leaders should refer to the casualty reports posted separately by your admin staff, those listed as missing include dead and wounded not found on the field, those captured and those that skedaddled on the in the heat of battle and likely to return overnight. Missing troops will return to your active strength as soon as you spend 24hrs stationary in one location.
Wounded will remain reasonably close at hand as they are treated and can begin to be re-incorporated into your active strength as soon as you take 2 days break at a supply depot to refit and re-organise.
Those listed as killed are dead or too gravely injured to remain in service. Observers on the field of battle report back to you that despite your losses you were able to inflict a severe body blow to Gen’l Beckinridge’s forces at Harrisburg. His infantry divisions are believed to be badly mauled. However, Early’s Corps was largely untouched during the battle.
All brigades actively engaged in the battle at Harrisburg will find that they have expended supplies (ammunition, water and food) in participating in the battle. Quartermasters are reporting that this is not yet a big problem, all infantry brigades have 2 days rations left, that plus what can be secured locally should see the troops through . Similar story for all cavalry brigades.
Quartermasters recommend that you fall back onto a supply base where you can re-supply, re-organise and recover your forces and prepare for the next rebel attack that is undoubtedly going to come.
Enemy Dispositions
Full details of Early’s location are as yet unknown, awaiting reports from Gen’l Averell’s & Stahel’s cavalry to confirm their actions. It is assumed that Early’s infantry divisions will be heading north – to press their current advantage. Ramsom’s Cavalry Division will likely be perusing you to collect information. It is likely that your Cavalry divisions can successfully screen / delay any enemy pursuit if so ordered.