You have been able to fall back in relatively good order to Winchester, arriving evening of 20th June.
If you are able to remain in position for 24 hours most of your missing will return to your lines. Additionally these units will be automatically re-supplied.
General Siegel’s Division had arrived in Winchester mid-day, 20th June, his division is now directly under your command.
Gen’l Crook
Having left a strong defensive screen at Cross Keys to avoid pursuit by the enemy, your division has marched to Front Royal by the morning of 21st June, force marching on the 20th.
Your options are now open, to the west lies Strasburg, where scouts inform you of the arrival yesterday evening of at least one rebel division and supporting cavalry.
To the east you would be able to take the railroad, via Alexandria, to Winchester, and able to arrive tomorrow afternoon.
It may however delay the rebels if they become aware of your presence on their flank, giving Hunter & Seigel time to fortify Winchester.

Are now in Kernstown, fighting rearguard actions against pursuing rebel cavalry and infantry force who are currently in Strasburg.
Stahel’s division are low on ammunition as they have now been in the saddle on active service continuously since Harrisburg.
Enemy Dispositions
Full details of Early’s location are not fully known.
It is believed that Early’s force at Strasburg consists of Gordon’s Infantry Division and Ransom’s Cavalry division, but possibly others.
At Harrisburg, at the time of Crook’s departure on the 19th June, it appeared that Beckinridge’s Corps had remained on the field, with fresh troops still arriving from the south. These may have been elements of Ramseur’s Division.