Well I hang my head in shame again, I missed Week 5 deadline, no excuses - I just didn't get enough done in time and I allowed my self to get distracted by other projects and life in general!
However for my post this week I will cover the mix of one-off figures and challenge eligible items that I did get done, hopefully by Sunday, I will have completed my main,current task of painting 28 x 28mm Saxon Infantry Men for the Siege of Vienna collection, in which case look out for a second post.
Converted Arab Artillery Crew |
So first off on this post we have two 28mm Arab artillerymen converted from Gripping Beasts's plastic Arab Infantry set and mashed-up with artillery arms from the Warlord Games, Marlbourian Artillery set. Very simple conversions here and a paint job applied,! These guys will be used as part of the Ottoman army besieging Vienna.
Gun and Crew |
For anyone who's interested I have previously posted on 'Who Cares Who Wins' blog conversions of the Arab infantry to musket armed Azabs in Ottoman service.
To go with the artillerymen I've done a Light Gun and Limber. The Gun carriage & limber, some readers, may recognise these models as being from the old Games Workshop Empire Galloper Gun, this set has been kicking around my spares box for years, after loosing the horse and barrel for the gun!
I added a barrel from the Warlord Games 17th Marlburian Artillery plastic set and a Carthorse I also found in my spares box. The slightly old fashioned style of the carriage and limber gives the model a slightly Ottoman feel - I think!
Bases have been suitably modeled, using fine sand scatted and electrostatic grass with appropriate grass tufts added. Didn't know how to score the limber but went for a '5', hope that OK.
Limber & Horse,with Gun attached |
Points Calculation: 2 x 28mm figures @ 5 points ea= 10 points.
1 x 28mm Artillery piece @10 Points ea =10 points
1 x 28mm Limber @5 Points ea =5 points
1 x 28mm Carthorse @5 Points ea =5 points
TOTAL = 30 Points
Plastic Confederate |
Next is an other experiment, this time with a 28mm Perry Miniatures a Confederate infantryman. The experiment here being to see if I could get away with leaving the grey plastic unpainted, concentrating on the detail on the equipment. it seems to have worked pretty well, once the detail had been painted on, to my eye the end result is pretty good.
Key here was to apply the matte varnish before applying a Dark tone wash, allowing the wash something to 'key' on to over the previously unpainted grey plastic,.Without the varnish the wash pools unrealistically and the results are poor.
Points Calculation: 1 x 28mm figures @ 5 points ea= 5 points.
28mm Dutch NCO |
Next up is a 28mm Front Rank, late 17th century infantry NCO. I have him painted up as part of a Dutch regiment and on a single base (UK 2 pence piece) to be used as a marker for 'enthusiastic' regiments under the rules that I use....
Painting was quite straight forward, in the way that I have previously described.
Points Calculation: 1 x 28mm figures @ 5 points ea= 5 points.
Not the greatest picture! Two fallen Norman Knights |
Two fallen Norman Knights, from the Conquest Games plastic boxed set. for another of my 'wish list' projects,this time a re-fight of the Battle of Hastings, using the SAGA rules set! I found these chaps in my spare box, just shouting out to be painted, again this was straight forward, in my usual manner.
Believe I read somewhere that prone figures count half as there is not so much to paint! So points as follows...
Points Calculation: 2 x 28mm prone cavalry figures @ 5 points ea= 10 points.
Raw Frames |
Next a change of scale, and a move to a potential VBCW (Very British Civil War) game that I'm tinkering with! I won't go into the whole VBCW ethos - it can be found elsewhere on the web, but in my view of the forces involved we will be having late WWI equipment and troop types with a few inter-war and early war vehicle types. Basically an excuse to re-purpose old models in new scenarios!
Anyway, I found an old set of Hat 20mm WW1 US Artillery,
seems they used French 75mm Field Guns and the uniform style was at the time reminiscent of the British style. so in a VBCW scenario - they can be used quite nicely. The set is really nice as the plastic is not too soft,it takes superglue, and allows the guns and a nice caisson model,to be made up.
Limber and caisson, built but waiting paint job |
I crewed the gun with 7 figures, plus an eighth injured comrade resting behind the caisson, I like adding little vignette scenes like this to wargames bases where possible...
Finished Gun Crew |
I have not painted up these figures to represent any particular VBCW faction,with the view that they can be used where-ever needed in any faction's army list. Figures were painted British khaki, webbing, puttees and helmets picked out in appropriate colours and a wash of Nuln Oil applied to all over.
Injured crewman resting behind caisson |
Gun and caisson were painted in an olive drab, with shell casings picked out in brass and wheel rims in steel with Nuln Oil applied again to add shading before matte varnish being applied. Didn't know how to score the caisson so went for a '5', as per limber above, feel free to change if that inappropriate!
Points Calculation: 8 x 20mm figures @ 4 points ea= 32 points.
1 x 20mm Gun @ 8 Points ea = 8 Points
1 x 20mm Caisson @ 4 Points ea = 4 Points
TOTAL = 44 Points
HaT Renault FT Tank |
Finally a 20mm Renault FT tank,painted up again for the VBCW game. The model is a Hat hard plastic model, I bough a couple years ago and used one model as part of my WW2 Polish army..
It is painted in pretty drab standard colours, with Markings for the 'Liverpool Worker's Council' added.
Points Calculation: 1 x 20mm vehicle @ 15 points ea= 15 points.