Friday 17th & 24th June sees Rupert hosting a 28mm Peninsular War, Napoleonics game, with five French Divisions taking on a combined British, Portuguese and Spanish force that is defending a series of ridgelines and towns on a two table set-up!
Week One saw Dave, John, Steve and Mike W, playing the French, with Nigel, Mike N and Mat playing the Allies. Rules were adapted version of Shako.
The French started a general advance, moving from their left flank on table #1, followed by infantry divisions in echelon moving to their right. The French cavalry, played by Mike W, by-passed an Allied occupied town and engaged with Spanish Dragoons, who were eventually eliminated, after the French them-selves lost a Hussar unit.
In the centre of Table #2 the John's French infantry threw themselves against the Allied line and battled against poor dice throwing and it was not until the final turn of week one, that the allied line began to crack.
Meanwhile to the left of the French line on Table #2, Dave was able to quickly crack open the Allied held town there but was then plunged into an ongoing melee struggle in the town and along their line
Hopefully eth pictures tell the storey!
Allied Army set-up to the left on Table #2, where Steve & Nigel fought it out face to face. |
French left wing on Table #1,
where the Cavalry division swept around the open Allied right flank.
Another view of the French Cavalry with a glimpse of one of their Infantry divisions beyond.
Stoic Spanish Dragoons, with infantry on their flank, all commanded by Mat -
waiting for the French Cavalry onslaught
A view down Table #1, from the Allied Left wing,
showing their forces and the advancing French Infantry divisions
The Allied force's right flank, commanded by Nigel,
on Table #2, further to the Allied right lies Table #1
Allied (Spanish) forces on Table #1, receiving a French Infantry attack
More French Infantry columns press home their attacks,
on a joint British and Spanish line, centre of Table #1
Deep behind the Allied left flank (Mie Ns command) on Table #1,
in the distance can be seen French attacks on the central enclosures and town.
Whilst beyond that are the advancing French Cavalry.
Table #2, from the Allied Right flank, again with attacking French Infantry columns closing.
British Hussars and Heavy Cavalry engage with French Infantry columns
French initial positions (Steve's command) of Table#2