Tuesday, 5 July 2022

28mm 12th - 16th Century Irish Army

By Mike W

So after some time painting Irish troops for various periods, I have drawn these together into a single army that can, with suitable variation in units within the army, represent Irish forces pretty much anywhere between the 12th and 16th centuries.

The obvious thing to be aware of is the use of firearms, the musket armed troops would clearly need to be omitted form the earlier iterations of an Irish Army - as would any fellas with a Marian helmet .pre early 1500s.

The whole army laid out with all troop options

Same from a slightly different angle

And again form the other side!

The core of the army is five warbands of warriors, either 20 or 25 figures strong, including a musician plus each has a chieftain to command it. It is at this point that it should be noted that a good 40% of the figures were originally form Steve's medieval collection, these however have all been repainted and rebased to fit in as best as possible with my own figures

A mix of Wargames Atlantic and Gripping Beast Irish figures

Another warband of Gripping Beast and Wargames Atlantic plastic figures,
this time 25 figures strong with a metal leader, originally form Steve's collection.

So about two of the warbands are made up of Wargames Atlantic & Gripping Beast plastic Irish figures, about about another two warbands are based around figures formerly in Steve's collection - I'm not sure of their manufacturer. The remaining 20% are from metals from Perry Miniatures, Redoubt Miniatures and I believe Essex. 

I have tried to pull these all 'together' buy using a similar paint job across the army, with an ochre coloured cloth as the based tone, with highlights in other, sometimes brighter colours.

Another 'large' 25 man warband, mostly made up of figures formally in Steve's collection,
repainted and rebased. Leader is one of mine and I think it is a Perry's figure.

The fourth Warband, again mostly figures that were originally Steve's
but also including an number of generic Dark Ages figures to bulk it out.

Fifth and final Irish warband, 20 figures strong with a Perry's leader and a Redoubt (?) drummer

Added to the base of five warbands I have two units of Gallowglass figures, armoured mercenaries wielding two handed swords and axes to drive fear into their enemies. The larger unit of these fearsome men are Perry Miniature figures.

Gallowglass Unit, predominantly Perry Miniatures but also some Redoubt and Essex guys as well!

A second, smaller twelve man band of Gallowglass,
these are all formerly from Steve's collection

The Army Commander is, I believe an Essex figure, I have given him a priest carrying a standard and also a personal champion. Whilst on the subject of Essex figures, its worth noting that the fairly large number of these in this army were originally sourced from Steve C's collection, these have all been repainted and rebased to fit in with my army's overall look & feel.

Army Commander with his Champion (right) and personal priest,
carrying the Army Banner, left.

A Scots contingent of Musketeers and Archers,
all metal figures, not 100% sure of manufacturer,
these would be suitable for late 15th and early 16th Century periods.

Next come various missile men, whose use would vary according to the time period in which any game is set. I need to build these numbers up somewhat but there are about a dozed archers, a single slinger and seventeen musketeers!

Nine archers and a solitary Slinger! A mix of manufacturers
Three armoured Archers, formerly belonging to Steve

A group of Irish Musketeers, various manufacturers, including Wargames Atlantic,
Gripping Beast, Warlord Games and others. 

... and six more musketeers.

Another optional unit is the commander's retinue, these would work well in any late Medieval or Renaissance game but not really practicable in earlier periods.

Commander's retinue, suitable for later Middle Ages and Renaissance period games

Then we have the dogs!

Finally, no Irish Army would be worth it's salt if it did not include Wolf Hounds,
these ten are from Wargames Atlantic, Irish boxed set.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Friday Night Games - The Siege of Vienna, 1683

Friday, 1st July saw the much overdue playing of Mike W's 28mm Siege of Vienna game. It was staged at Mike N's venue and used Warlord Games Pike & Shotte rules, with some variants to keep the mechanisms simple and flowing.

On the allied Austrian / German/ Polish side (Hereafter referred to as the Western Allies), we had Mark, playing the Austrians and thus assuming that he had overall command and taking up a position on the right of the line.

This notion was not fully endorsed by Mat, who commanded the Polish Divisions in the centre. Ably assisting Mat was Phil, commander of the Polish 2nd Division.

On the left of the line was Dave  playing a polyglot of German allies  loosely known as the German (or Imperial) division.

Massed Austrian, Polish & German Cavalry Divsions

Phil threw he cat amongst the pigeons by playing his black mark ⚫ on turn one against Mat's division. The resulting blunder sees Mat' two units of Cossacks leaving the field, they did not return for several turns much to everyone's amusement.

Mark's Austrian Cuirassiers & Mat's Polish Panceri race ahead on the right

On the Ottoman side, we had Steve playing ad the Grand Vizier  commanding the Janissaries & Sipahis of the Porte as well as the artillery.

He was backed up by Mike N, who as First Vizier had command of the Heavy & Feudal Sipahis.

Turkish and vassal light cavalry was under the command of Nigel  whilst Infantry units were split between them in the absence of John  who will be re-joining his command in week two.

Ottoman Tufecki Infantry supported by Ottoman Deli Light Cavalry & Hungarian Hussars

The Western Allies plan was straight forward, a rapid advance straight forward! This was enacted as rapidly as possible but somewhat held-up as commanders struggled to get there orders out to their units in a timely manner. 

Orders being subject to a Command test based on their commander's capability ratings.

Over a course of a few turns, Mat's Poles and Mark's Austrians were behind the pace. On the left Dave's Germans  led by he Bavarian Cuirassiers  made much better progress.

Towards the rear of eth Ottoman lines there is much activity,
Janissaries in the background and Sipahi Cavalry manoeuvring to their front 

On the Ottoman side, commanders scurried from their tents to join their units to put together a defensive plan.

Nigel's Light Cavalry were soon in the thick of it  managing to give a good account of themselves alongside various Azab and Tufecku Infantry units.

Polish Panceri Heavy Cavalry with a unit of staggered Cossacks behind.

End of week one and there's all to play for, Ottoman units are holding g up well but two Infantry and two cavalry units have been sent back to the box.

The Western Allies have four of five units with casualties and their opponents have two or three on the same situation.

As ever I'll leave much of rest of the report to the pictures, week #2 is due to be played July 8th.

Polish Winged Hussars make contact with Ottoman Mamelukes,
the Mamelukes held out for one turn but were destroyed in the following melee round!

General view of eth table from the Western Allies right flank,
looking down the table to eth Ottoman Right 

The game in full play, Week #1

Week Two saw a slight change in the Ottoman line-up, Nigel was unable to attend but his place was ably taken by John, who took command or the Ottoman Light Cavalry.

The Western Alliance continued to roll forwards, eliminating Ottoman units and pushing them quite quickly into their own half of the board. On the left flank the Bavarians continued to do well, but at the loss of one unit of Cuirassiers. Luckily within the German Division the Saxon Cuirassiers stepped up to replace them.

On the right flank of eth Western Allies, Austrian Horse advance behind their Cuirassier comrades

Austrian Cuirassiers wheel to engage Hungarian Hussars to their left

Ottoman Guns finally come into play and start to bombard advancing Western forces

The grand sweep of the Western forces as they close with the Ottoman infantry's defensive lines in the centre of the board.
The Polish Winged Hussar unit at the bottom of the picture has just been staggered by artillery fire

The rest of the line from above!

Ottoman Sipahi of the Porte advance out of their camp to engage
with the approaching Austrian Juggernaut

Not so good photo of eth Ottoman Infantry's positions

Time was called at the end of week two, The Western assault on the Ottoman lines was just starting, albeit that the infantry positions were being avoided as much as possible. On the Western left it was deemed that he German division would likely break through the Ottoman cavalry and levy lines, enabling them to flank the Janissary positions in the centre, on the right the Austrians had a much harder fight to overcome the four units of the Sipahi of eth Porte and a Janissary of eth Porte unit.

In the centre the Poles would have had to crash into eth Janissary lined up behind Chevaux de Fris, another tough ask but with cunning and bravery it would have been possible! But we'll never know for sure.

Thanks to all that played.