Friday 6th April saw the first of two weeks fighting of John's 15mm Boer War award game. Figures are from John's collection and we used the "By Jingo!" rule set, the game was staged at Rupert's venue.
The Boer forces were commanded by Rupert Dave and Mat, whilst Steve, Phil and Mike W played the plucky British attackers.
The scenario was a recreation of Boer actions that attempted to delay British relief of the Siege of Ladysmith in 1899.
Boer camp / field hospital |
Mounted Infantry Battalion and supportng guns on British right flank |
Bitish Artillery supporting centre right Infantry Brigade |
Naval guns agvancing slowly centre right |
British Center advances |
Centre Left, British infantry brigade advancing on enemy held hills |
British Centre |
Boer forces hold hills on their left |
And same on Boer left |
Another view, with Field Hospital to rear |
Close-up of JOhn's Boer Figures |
Boer 'Long Tom' gun and commanders in their Centre rear |
German Legion fighting with the Boers |
British attack closes with Boers on the British left flank |