I left my last post with the sound of a package dropping on my doorstep, is was a lot of 3D printed Savage Ocs from eBay and I'm afraid to say that I have been further detoured from getting my Landschneckts buit and painted.
My first batch if these lovely figures is now completed for sharing....
The first batch of completed figures |
The figure set was a big 31 pieces and are actually a Savage Orc Blood Bowl team, however, on looking through the pictures of the figures online, whlist contemplating the purchase, I could see that they would fit in well with my existing GW Savage Orc collection really well, with just a small number of modifications - namely removing footballs and empty hands and replacing with weapon grasping hands!
The advertised set on eBay |
Now the set ranges in size from small Goblins and Squigs, through to some wild looking Orcs and on to what is a really huge and impressive Troll. there are also a number of large Orcs that I'll place on 40x40mm bases and use these as War Bosses or the like....
One of the Goblin Cheerleaders with the set - I'll be using these guys as Shamen |
In this first batch I have done 5 Goblins, three of these are painted up as Shamen, each wearing a strange array of bird feathers and bones etc, they look wierd enough to be totally immersed in their witchcraft skulldugery. The other two are more regular warriors, one being a 'Sneaky Git' assassin and the other a frenzied attacker.
All were undercoated with a cream acrylic paint (Hobby Crafts own) before being painted with Army Painter Gillie Dew speed paint, bone areas were washed with GW Skeleton Horde before being drybrushed in an ivory colour and then leather straps were added using GW Snakebite Leather. Feathers were limited to Blue, White, Red and Yellow, before a Matt Varnish coat and basing in my usual manner.
Another characterfuul 'Shamen' Goblin |
Two more Goblins, to the left a 'Sneaky Gut' with a hidden dagger behind his back, to the right a frenzied grot. |
Another 'Shamen' figure - looks like I need to dust if fthe stray electrostatic grass from this little guy |
The group of eight orcs were all painted in the same manner - much as above but with AP Orc Skin as the main flesh colour and then GW goblin Green used as a highlight on the large areas of bare orc flesh. As ever extra time was taken with the Orc mouths and teeth as these are a big centre piece for each figure and get a lot of attention.
The orc on the right had a clenched fist relpaced with a hand carrying a bone club. |
The orc on the left had an empty hand replaced with one gripping another bone club. the guy on the right had a Blood Bowl Ball removed and replaced with a spear. |
A quick tip on converting 3D printed resin figures, they do not cut well and are likely to shatter, instead use a razor saw and then pin and superglue parts together. GW spare plastic parts fit these guys really well! When sawing the resin figures, make sure you are in a well ventilated area and get rid of the toxic resin dust asap.
On the left, a figure with a GW orc sword added instead of an empty hand. On the right a similar change, this time a axe wealding hand has been added. |
An unchanged figure on the left and a simple addition of a sword for the guy on the right. |
Pride of place in this group has to be the Troll figure, it is huge and it is green with a lot of bones hanging from it! My approach was the same as before - much of the skin is done with AP Gillie Dew, scales are done with AP Orc Skin. When dry I used AP Algae Green to transition between the skin and teh scales, before using a GW Agrax earthshade to dull down the colour.
Bone was done as above - just a lot more of it! Key thing here is to go over the figure again and again to eliminate as many mistakes (there were a lot) until such time as you are happy with the result.
Head on view of teh Troll - an impressive piece |
Close-up of teh huge skull strapped to the Troll's shoulder |
And the fist covered with razor sharp teeth |
Next are some more Orcs and Goblins, a couple of Squigs and then I'll be getting on to the large Warboss type figures.