Following on from my last post I emptied out my bags of old Warhammer Empire figures on the workbench and was determined to work out how to add these in to my recently expanded Stirland State Army.
Undercoated Empire figures, Eagle-eyed readers will see one of the original figures
I did some 10 years ago being used as a reference!
Many of these figures are from the 'Classic Empire' era, but the rest are '2nd Edition' Empire figures albeit with many of them missing arms and heads!
I spent some time building a number of new troop types, utilising parts from the spares box to achieve the results I was looking for.
First I'll cover the standard types that came to hand, there are 6 x 'Classic' Spearmen, converted to Halbardiers, as per the bulk of the figures I did in the last post, these all needed to have the halbard heads re-fixed to their poles, or new ones found.
'Classic' Empire troops with Spears replaced by Halbards, Billhooks
and sundry other unpleasant weapons!
Next are 13 x '2nd Edition' Halbardiers, from a Games Workshop boxed set that never got completed, today they are! Nothing special with these little guys, painted in Green and Yellow as per other Stirland Regiments. As previously stated I still prefer the Classic' figures, even though these came in a limited number of poses.
'2nd Edition' Halbardiers, almost straight form the box,
albeit 10-15 years late!
Returning to 'Classic' figures there are 5 x Spearmen straight out the box. You'll have noticed by now, that I do not use the shields on my Empire Figures, no real reason other than I like them better without shields.
'Classic' Empire Spearmen |
Now on to the new troop types I have created - first 6 x Pikemen, built from the torso and heads form '2nd Edition' figures but with arms supplied from the recent Warlord Games Landsknecht boxed set. I purchased the Warlord set last year but floundered badly when trying to paint 'real' Landsknecht figures! However I really like the way these figures have turned out...
'2nd Edition' Pikemen, I have loads of pike arms in the spare box now
and no torsos to join them to, I feel an eBay trip coming on!
Next are 8 x Crossbowmen, five of which are built using '2nd Edition' torsos and the other three with torsos from the Warlord Games set - these are a little small and slender compared to their Games Workshop counterparts but not so bad to be a problem, especially if placed in back ranks. To each of these torsos were added crossbow arms from my spares box, these originated from an old Empire Militia boxed set or the '2nd Edition' boxed set.
Crossbowmen - it's pretty easy to spot the Warlord Games figures |
There were two random Musketeers - one 'Classic' and one built in a similar manner to the Crossbowmen but using the musketeer arms from the Warlord Games set, on a '2nd Edition' torso.
'Classic' left and '2nd Edition' with Warlord arms right. |
Here are 3 x Archers, one a classic figure that was missing a spear, - so bow and arrow hands were added from the Empire Militia box. The other two are in very similar poses both have Empire Militia Bow and Arrow arms - one has a '2nd Edition' torso the other has a Militia torso.
Archers - Militia figure left, '2nd Edition' right and 'Classic' in centre |
Finally on the infantry side are three special figures, all converted from 'Classic' models with missing arms and weapons - an Officer, Drummer and Great Sword.
Converted 'Classic' Spearman - Officer with Pistol |
Converted 'Classic' Musketeer- Drummer |
Converted 'Classic' Spearman - Great sword man |
The Officer has a pistol hand from the Militia box and a random spare left hand grafted on. The Drummer has a drum and drumstick hands from the Warlord Games set and the detail of the powder charges on the shoulder belt has been cut off, a couple of pouches and a dagger were added. Then the Great Sword has a weapon from the Militia box and another random left hand substituted for the originals - the Great Sword has had the second hand carved away.
Sneaking in at the end are three Empire Mounted Knights, these are all on barded horses and the knights are all in plate armour with a random selection of heads added to the figures. A Yellow and green pennant ties them together as Stirland Knights and one guy carries a Yellow and Green Banner.
Three Stirland Knights |
So that's pretty much it on the Stirland front, I have an Army Commander in progress - so hopefully he'll see the light of day as a completed model, now that he's been brought in form the cold, dark garage!
Only danger now is I'll go and buy more figures to make more pikemen....
6 x Pikemen @ 5 Points ea = 30 Points
3 x Archers @ 5 Points ea = 15 Points
2 x Musketeers @ 5 Points ea = 10 Points
8 x Crossbows @ 5 Points ea = 40 Points
5 x Spearmen @ 5 Points ea = 25 Points
19 x Halbardiers @ 5 Points ea = 95 Points
3 x Special Figures @ 5 Points ea = 15 Points
3 x Mounted Knights @ 10 Points ea = 30 Points
TOTAL POINTS 30 + 15 +10 + 40 +25 + 95 +15 + 30 = 260 Points