Pipers Peak - something to do with mountains. Resisting the urge to to paint ski troops in white camouflage displayed on a white sheet, I painted some German Gebirgsjager in colours that might show up better. However, I have started Curtis idea for a 54mm Klingon Bird of Prey with it cloaking device switched on😊
These are all 15mm, mainly Battlefront, with a few Peter Pig . I already had two battalions of these, painted for “Rapid Fire” and I needed a third battalion. However, the Battlefront figures varied so much in scale to each other I lost the will. However, given that I had to find something to do with mountains it was a bit of a no brainier. I don’t think Battlefront make these anymore so I was a few figures short especially in respect of the crewed weapons. So Peter Pig models with drafted in with a few head swaps.
A Battalion of 37 Mountain Infantry (74pts) |
Gun Company. AT Gun, Mortar, IG Gun, and some Transport ( 18 x 2 including cart, mortar & mules 36pts and 10 pts for the guns) total 46pts |
The MG Company. Two MGs and a Mortar (9 men with weapons) 18 pts
Then I went back and started filling in the gaps from the previous two battalions.
The IG Guns and MGs ( the MGs and one of the guns doesn’t count as it is in the other Photos (6 figures 2 guns 22 pts) |
Two more MGs. These the Peter Pig head swaps (12pts) |
More transport, and AT element ( total 10 figures including cart 20pts) |
RHQ and a sniper team. I may have to add a few figures the this HQ (8 pts) |
Think that brings my total to 200 pts for this entry plus 30 for the island challenge.
I fancy a trip by balloon next but the only female figure I have unpainted is Joan of Arc being burnt at the stake. Not very PC. Better buy another figure.