I finally got my hands on a set of the new Wargames Atlantic Conquistadors, 28mm plastic figure set and they look very promising for my Anglo-Scots Elizabethan Wars project.
Six completed figures, representing the contents of the base sprue in the kit, the observant may notice that I have used different base sizes. There is method to the madness, Halberdiers & Spearmen being classed as close-order troops whilst missile men and guys waving swords around would need more space to operate! |
I have completed one sprue of the figures to date and they were simple to assemble, basically a torso to which you add a head (one of 18 variants on each sprue) and some arms, which then dictates which weapon combinations the figure has at his disposal.
Close-up of the Crossbow man |
The options ae basically to build a sword & buckler, a Halberdier, a crossbow man or a musketeer. The sprue also gives the option to build a drummer. There are 24 figures in a box, with 6 per sprue. In ddition there is a second sprue for each figure sprue that enables an additional range of weapon options to be accessed - namely Spearmen and two-handed swordsmen. This second sprue also has an additional 8 head options plus hand swords for each figure.
And a close-up of the Musketeer |
In all a huge range of figure variants will be able to be built and if the word from the manufacturers is correct they will be releasing addition 'variant' sprues, to enable these figures to be used in an even wider range of scenarios.
A Scots Sword & Buckler man, with plate armour |
And in the interest of balance, an English Swordsman, in quilted jack |
These guys aren't heading off to the steamy jungles of South America, rather they will be on active service along the Scots Borders acting as Reivers or soldiers in Elizabeth or Mary's Armies - as I get to build them.
Possibly my favourite figure of the 6 so far, a Halberdier |
Another obvious use for them is to combine the parts with the Wargames Atlantic Irish - to help me expand that force as well as (when the appropriate parts are released) to build a Spanish force that would be be carried by the Armarda...
Finally a Scots Spearman, in plate armour |