With my 'production line' stalling last week due to other commitments, there is definitely a knock on effect this week, as I restock many of the work in progress items that I have on my workbench. Thus a smaller output go finished to post this week, in the expectation that there may be a bumper next week. Also what I lack in numbers hopefully I give back in such a weird mix of subjects, although unfortunately the 4 Lizardmen do not register for the Squirrel challenge - which requires 4 figures!
28mm Female Survivor and fare for Lady Sarah's Limo! |
Once again I will open up this post with a fare for Lady Sarah to take me to the Fantasy Lot, this is in the form of a 28mm female survivor armed with a bow. Not just any old bow but what appears to be an Olympic specification target bow! The figure is from Warlord Games, via Wargames Factory.
Another view of the 28mm Survivor |
At the Fantasy Lot I have painted 4 x Warhammer Mounted Lizardmen, this is a lot of figures that I obtained from eBay and these will be used to supplement a similarly painted unit I did some time back as part of a previous Challenge, this will take the unit strength up to 9 figures.
The Four Lizardmen of the Apocalypse! (Arguably there are eight of them!) |
Another view |
Whilst the new figures are certainly more dynamic than the older ones and I suspect there has been little scale creep, they do fit in well together. That said, I think I actually prefer the older figures to these new ones, as the quality of the sculpt of the 'mounts' are much better n my opinion.
Close-up of the Standard Bearer, with skull on the banner |
War Axe armed rider |
For the mounts I went with a blue under side and a green scaly upper body, the riders had yellowish underbelly and a similar green scaled upper body.
Spear armed rider, with skull on the saddle |
Club armed rider, with skull on the saddle |
Final shot with one of my existing Lizardmen riders (far left), this nicely compares a older figure with the newer ones. |
Next on my list of output this week are 10 x Scots Renaissance Billmen / Halberdiers. Once again sourced form eBay, where originally converted Wargames Atlantic Conquistador figures, glued to square bases and with some kind of 'ancients' head affixed, then marketed as City Guards!
Unit of Wargames Atlantic Renaissance figures decked out as Billmen / Halberdiers |
Close-up of the Rear Rank |
Same for the Front Rank |
I have removed the bases to replaced with nice round MDF counterparts and I replaced the heads with some more appropriate Renaissance versions from my spares box. The figures were already undercoated in light grey, I simply added the same to the heads and then painted and based these little guys in my normal manner
Four Dark Ages figures found in the lead (ad plastic) pile |
Another view |
And another view |
It wouldn't be right not to have a batch of Orks to present, however, as it stands this is the penultimate batch to share. I have a group of these little green guys to get completed next week an also some Killa Koptas for the future, after that the basic army is done. Yippee!
This week's 40k Orc Batch! |
A large number of Big Boyz / Boss figures this week plus a great looking WarBoss, as well as some finalBoyz and a few Grechin.
Closer view from the left |
And from the right! |
The WarBoss was a real pleasure to paint, I use my usual methods to paint but was really pleased with the colour and finish of the loincloth on this figure. On top of that the finish on the Power Claw also came out well in my opinion.
My favourite figure of the batch, a plastic WarBoss, with skull on his left shoulder |
I added exhaust fumes on this figure - as he has a fuel driven power Claw, I've finally decided that I like this as a finishing touch but will not go and refit all previously painted figures - or for that matter any I do in the future. Practicalities mean that the ;fumes; pull off during game play, so I will limit it to a few stand out figures.
And the rear view, note skull on the ground. Also see exhaust fumes coming form the Power Claw |
An a final view of his weaponry |
There is a group of Six Big Boyz / Bosses in this week's batch. These form the WarBoss' Bodyguard but can also be used as unit leaders in their own right, as needed.
Three Big Boyz with Hand Blastas and Choppas. Centre & right hand guys have skulls on their back banners. |
Three more Big Boyz with a variety of weapons |
A quick conversion here was to add a Jet Pack to the back of one of the Boyz, this is a metal sculpt that I've had knocking around my bits box for 20+ years now, finally I have put it to use. I'm pretty sure that there's one more, if I can find it!
My other favourite figure, one of the Boyz with a looted Jet PAck |
He obviously was somewhat careless with his right arm at some time in the past! |
Only four Grechin this week and one final guy next week - I unexpectedly found him in the ready box yesterday.
Interesting comparison of two Gretchin figures, to the right an older metal figure and to the left its modern plastic counterpart. |
Another two Gretchin, both plastic |
Also another Grechin Herda in the batch, added to the done pile!
An Ork Grot Herda, with Power Whip. |
Just a few Boyz, this week - 9 in all and finished in usual manner.
Four more Boys with Choppas and Hand Blastas. |
Another four Boyz with various weapons, skull on hilt of guy second from left. |
Finally an Ork with Tank Busta Mine |
Next week? Hopefully 40k Orks, Dark Ages, Landsknechts and the 17th Century Officer I didn't bother with this week.
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