Saturday 27 May 2023

Friday Night Games: WW1

Friday 26th May saw the first week of a WW1 game put on by Phil, using his recently rebased French & German figures and a newly created set of rules for early war battles loosely based upon John's Boer War rules.

French 1st Battalion of four companies and an MG Platoon.

The game saw a force of five French Infantry Battalions and their supporting Artillery stage an attack against a German position, atop a long ridge held by two German battalions with additional battalions arriving in support.

The Germans were ably commanded by Dave & Rupert whilst the attacking French were commanded by Mike W, Mike N, Ollie & Steve. Mike N commanded 2 battalions of Zouaves, whilst the others had a battalion each of a full Infantry Regiment. Mike W, commanded the Regiment overall.

Attacking French Zouaves, accompanied by their attached Artillery's FOO

1st Battalion assault against German positions starts to go in and casualties begin to be taken

The French opted for an Oblique attack on the German lines, with their left flank (1st Battalion) leading first with the Zouaves, following and then the 2nd & 3rd Battalions going in from left to right.

Vive la France! as the Zouaves push on the central German position.

More of the Zouaves with a view of Ollie's battalion in support to their right 

A wider view of the central attack by Mike N & Ollie's forces

As with any WW1 scenario it is the Machine Guns and Artillery that rule the battlefield, here it is no different. Above can be seen the white targeting markers from German Artillery landing amongst the Zouaves.

And a close view as Artillery takes its toll on the gallant Zouaves

On the Left its grim for both the French & Germans, Mike W's French casualties are high but so are Dave's German casualties. To the rear can be seen German re-enforcements arriving to plug the gaps in the German lines on the ridge. 

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