Saturday 22 July 2023

Battle of Fulford Gate - Battle Report - Week One

Week One of the Battle of Fulford Gate was hosted by Rupert and involved 28mm figures from Mike W's collection. Mike W, also developed a set of 'Quick & Dirty' Dark Ages Rules for this series of 1066 gates.

On the Viking Side we had Rupert, Mat and Dave commanding Harald Harada and Tostig Godwinson' arrays. On the side of the English we had Steve, Mike N, Phil and Mark commanding the armies of Earls Edwin and Moncur.

The number of figures on each side was somewhat similar but the Vikings had generally better quality troops, albeit that their Victory Points required them to establish a foothold north of the river by the end of the day.

The Anglo Danish Armies, from the Western flank,
Earl Edwin's Mercians nearest the camera and Earl Moncur's Northumbrians in the distance.

Both sides had a command conundrum to solve before deploying their troops, the river over which they would be fighting was tidal and so they had to select a game turn in which to start the game with this in mind. Additionally the English side was tasked to hold the river line as long as possible, whereas the Vikings were marching on to the battle field and would want to start the game as early as possible.

Vikings of Gudbald's command (part of Tostig's motley array oy of allies & supporters)
lead an attack on Edwin's Fyrd on the western flanks.

After initial deployment - as it happens both sides elected to deploy as early as possible on turn one - the sides marched forward to the river line. The English reached the river line first and there set-up a shield wall along the length of their line.

Vikings from Tostig's division, heading north, come off the slopes and head towards the English lines on the river, hoping to cross at the bridge and ford locations.

Gudbald and his troops where the first to make contact with the English in and around the western marsh areas but the fighting was inconsequential and was to continue for many turns. To the East,  Moncur's forces closed and engaged with a Bondi unit initially attempting to force the bridge, only to be stopped by their English adversaries.

English Archers in the marshy are a to the west of the battlefield.

Harald reacted quickly as he was in the vicinity of the bridge attack, realising the Bondi unit was not suitable to succeed in such an attack he pulled them back and fed in his Berserkers instead. These proved much more effective as they began to cut their way through the defending General Fyrd.

The battle lies from the eastern point of view, with Berserkers attacking across the bridge 

The game reached a natural break-point, to be continued next week - there was now fighting all long the line with Viking units crossing the river and flinging themselves against the English shied walls

Detail of the bridge fight, with King Harald and his bodyguard, personally directing the attack

In the centre, Viking Bondi,
crossing the river to spread the happiness to two English units - one General he other Select Fryd

Final view of the Bridge battle, with the Berserkers pushing through the opposing Fyrd
but at the cost of casualties to themselves.

Week Two to follow soon!

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