Just a couple quick shots of the completed Epic Covenanter Scots unit, taken from the cover of this month's Wargames Illustrated. I'm pleased with the results. I have some cavalty and Artillery to finish from the free sprue - plus enentire second sprue to paint-up at some future point!
The whole unit of 80 figures, completed in suitable dower grey uniforms and blue bonnets! |
Close-up of one Musketeer block and part of pike bock. Note the halbardier on the unit's extreme right flank |
And the other musketeer block on the unit's left flank. I have opted to go for larger that standard (60mm x 40mm Musketeer bases and 60mm x 80mm Pike block) bases as it gives a little more room to buildd-up terrain & vegiattion and protects the figures a little better, in my opinion. |