Sunday, 31 December 2023

AHPC XIV - From MikeW - Warhammer Fantasy Orcs

 Well, this weekend, I have manged to squeeze out a group of 20 Orc Greenskins to go with the guys I posted a few days ago. I have used the same panting techniques as discussed in that post but have moved it on a little based upon a couple of paint gifts I treated myself to at Xmas.

The just completed batch of 20 x Orc Boys

Namely Army Painter 'Orc Skin' Speed Paint and some Games Workshop 'Air' Warboss Green. So for these guys I used the Speed Paint to block in all the green flesh areas - as the name wold suggest - and then used the Warboss Green to highlight all of the muscles on the figures. The Orc Skin paint is very vivid and possibly too much by its self, the Warboss Green, seems to mute this nicely.

I've decided to group these guys for close-ups basis similar poses, Whilst the new GW Orc figures are great - I'm not a fan of the mono-pose figures as they are mch harder to get a variety of different looks - as I'd imagine a mob of Orcs might look!

The result is, in my opinion, petty good, so I'll look to develop this further on this year's pile of shame! For those interested - I have more Orc Boys plus some Savage Orcs waiting to be painted along with a 3D printed group of Swamp Goblins riding Frogs! (Possibly Toads - I don't know the difference, either way they are lovely figures)

That said there are limitations with the mltipose kits as well!

As ever the bases are painted with a brown acrylic paint and PVA glue gloop, dipped in fine sand and when dry electrostaic grass is added using the same brown gloop, dry brushed over the sand. Base rims then painted black!

These guys with shields will be posted to re-enforce some other regiments in my collection, as I get all my Orc figures second hand sually opt to paint them as they are built, saving me that time!

Shockingly there are no skulls on any of these twenty figures! Nearest thing is two severed heads..

Some Boys with big Choppas! Some with better dental care than others...

And a parting shot of all 25 figures I have done since the start of the challenge
Just because I could take such a pictre!

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