Following on from my recent Show & Tell posting about my re-vitalised 'OldHammer' Tomb Kings army, here is a quick update on some additional models that I have been able to put in place in the couple of weeks since that original posting.
At the time I was rambling on about what I'd like to do to further enhance the collection and after a couple of visits to eBay, here are some of the results.
Firstly a unit of eight Mounted Archers, these came to me undercoated and so it was a relatively simple task to add the Skeleton Horde Contrast paint and then to dry brush with a suitably boney colour to add further definition before adding the light blue and gold details on bows, quivers and headwear.
First rank of Horse Archers, with unit champion in headgear |
Second Rank of Horse Archers |
So looking at the Tomb Kings Codex, it appears that Horse Archers are quite a strong choice for Tomb King Armies, hence my acquisition of these little guys. They get to move, then fire and move again! I'll likely look to swell their ranks if the opportunity arises.
Three Carrion Vultures |
The unit of three Carrion vultures are resin models from the Tabletop Games Fantasy Heroes range (Ref: FJ0124, if you are interested!), again soourced from eBay. These are mummified vultures that have a good move range and can hopefully give an enemy a surprise!
Bird One
The models were a little fiddly to construct - the wings fitted well but I had to drill out the legs on each bird to allow a wire support to firmy fix each vulture to the base. Without these it would just be a matter of time before the birds would break off from their bases.
Bird Two |
I undercoated these guys with a cream paint, then applied Ratling Grime contrast paint to all wing / feather areas, before applying Skeleton Horde contrast paint to all bandaged areas. I highlighted the bandages in white before giving them a Dark Tone wash and then further highlighted cream again.
Legs, necks and heads were painted with Darkoak flesh before I again highlighting bandages in white. Blue and gold details were added to the neck colars before adding sand to the base. After a varnish the hyrogliphs on the oblix stones were marked in, using various colours
Bird Three |
Finally, for this update, I eventually get around to building and painting one of my spare Tomb Kings Charriots. I'm pleased with the results, although the chariot's blue colour does not quite match the original model I had, where I used Enchanted Blue (I believe) but that pot had long since run out!
This time round I used a GW colour called 'The Fang', which is reasonably close, although i did add some white to lighten it a bit. Painting was much the same as described above for the Skeleton Horse Archers, so I won't repeat that description again.
My new Tomb Kings Chariot |
Another view |
And again! |
So now there is one remaining original 1990s chariot model waiting to be built but currently I have no crew, so I'll have to find these, where ever I have put them!
What next? Well I already have on order some Ubashi, to add to the single figure I already have, these are resin / 3d prints so I will use my existing model as the unit champion. The other item I have coming is a model of Queen Cleopatra, who will act as my 'Tomb King', I'll share further developments as they get completed....