A quickie post to kick off my quest on Dante's Devine Comedy.
These two GW High Elves were in my bits box for nearly 33 years - what kind of horrendous limbo could that be!
I saw them there the other day and I thought I'd liberate them and give them a new lease of life...
They were so much fun to paint that I'm now seriously thinking about collecting a small High Elf Amy to go with them.
I liked doing these guys so much I'm looking for more to do - but even on eBay they are now quite expensive! |
As ever these guys were undercoated white and then 'dressed' with paint! GW Leadbelcher for chainmail and spear points.
Light Yellow for spear shafts a bright blue speed paint for robes on the archer and a lighter sky blue on the Spearman's robes, with an old gold trim on each and a dash of brass to add much needed bling!
I spent some time on the shields and adding a the red jewels to their bow / costumes.
All finished with a fine sand and electrostatic grass vase with a black edge.