On Friday 21st Feb, we played a refight of the Italian Wars 3rd Battle of Seminara using Rupert's 25mm collection, his rules and his venue for the evening.
Whilst Rupert umpired the game, Mike W, Mat & Dave took on the Swiss Command and Mike N, Steve & Paul ran the opposing French forces. Paul took the French centre with Mikey on the French left and Steve on their right. Mat had the Swiss centre with Dave to his left and Mike W to his right.
The game opened with the two flanks of cavalry surging forwards to contest their respective grounds, these fights lasted about 2/3 of the game but ultimately the French forces pushed back their Swiss counter parts.
In the centre the Swiss had made the mistake of deploying their misslemen in front of their pike blocks, instead of to the side, meaning that as the sides advanced, the Swiss could not easily get their pike blocks into the fight as the misslemen were in the way.
After a lot of fighting the Swiss were in no position to continue and the game went to the French! With a better understanding of the rules and the appropriate tactics the Swiss are looking forward to a rematch....
A large Cavalry melee erupts on eth Swiss right, despite stiff resistance the French finally prevail |
Swiss Light cavalry finally being chased off by the French on the Swiss right |
French forces close in around the Swiss pike blocks |
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