Fresh from the recent successful action at Waynesboro, Gen’l Stahel leads his brigade
into Staunton around mid-day on the 15th June.
As you were breaking camp around the town of Waynesboro an attack by rebel cavalrymen was beaten back, more casualties were inflicted than taken and Stahel, although hard pressed, was able to exit the field in an orderly manner.
Col. Weynkoop, Stahel’s brigade commander reports:
“Sir, I vos honoured to be able to strike a blow for mine country. Ve vos able to put our Sharps carbines to good use and gave the rebels a bloody nose. Da rebs vere over twice our number, but our men had ze guts to fight to to toe.”
(OK I can’t speak with a Dutch accent – let alone write in one – but you get the idea!)
Prisoners captured during the fight indicate that you were up against Gen’l Bobby Ransom’s Virgina cavalry brigade, they out numbered you 2:1 and had artillery support. Stahel made the right decision to evacuate the town when he did!
In Staunton the supply situation has not improved, however a message from Gen’l Averell has indicated that he is in Winchester with his cavalry division and he plans to escort the next supply column down to Staunton with his Cavalry division, dropping off a brigade at the major towns en route to deter further partisan activities.
You must expect an enemy attack in the next few days at Staunton, assuming that Ransom’s brigade is the vanguard of a larger force heading north. A map of Staunton is available for you to determine your defenses. As such you will be able to dig-in each of Sullivan’s two infantry brigades and each artillery batteries.
If you should send for help then Crook is at Cross keys and is a full two days march away, Tibbits at Port Republic is a day and a half’s march away, but would be held-up on the road by Crook’s division, unless Crook elected to wait for Tibbits to march through Cross Keys. Averell at Winchester is 3 and a half days march away. Force marches will obviously make these troops more readily available but will cost supply points.

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