As per orders issued on the morning of 16th June, General Sullivan prepared to break camp and marched his division north to Harrisburg during the morning, afternoon and evening of 16th June.
To cover this withdrawal General Stahel and Col. Weynkoop’s cavalry brigade screened the southern approaches to Staunton until nightfall and then too with drew to the north under cover of darkness.
These activities were completed successfully and without interference from any enemy activity.
Maps of Harrisburg are available online to prepare your defenses.
Gen’l Crook
Received his orders to prepare to move on Harrisburg mid afternoon on the 16th, this morning General Hunter received a note from him confirming that this division is ready to march, estimated time of arrival being end of day if normal movement is ordered or mid-day if forced marching requested.

Deployed his 1st brigade at Winchester on the 16th, he is now in the process of preparing to move south, escorting supply wagons to Strasburg, where he will deploy his 2nd Brigade, likely morning of the 18th June and finally the same with the 3rd brigade on morning of the 19th at Mt. Jackson.

Reports to General Hunter that his troops in Martinsburg and Harpers Ferry are…
“mostly untrained greenhorns, not worth a dud nickel in combat but as long as the rebs don’t realize this they’re good to garrison our key supply depots”.