This is a worked example of how you can use the information you have been given to supply your friendly Camping Facilitator (Mike W) what you want to do next!
So you will have seen your Butcher's bill, in 1861 there will only be one battle so be thankful! After the battle we go straight in to the Winter season and disease will strike if you are not prepared, each unit will loose bases to disease until the men are experienced enough to stop crapping upstream from the kitchens or using dirty bandages to teat wounds etc.
You will have received a Disease and Replacements report looking something like this:
Unit Size Quality Disease Losses New Size Replacement Pool
Pennsylvania Brigade 7
10th Pa Inf 10 Recruit 2 8
11th Pa Inf 10 Recruit 3 7
12th Pa Inf 10 Recruit 2 8
Pa Art 5 Recruit 1 4
So each unit will have lost bases to disease, additionally your military organisation has sent you a number of replacements for your Brigade, you can allocate these to build back the loses in your units.
So for example this Pennsylvania Brigade as lost 8 bases due to disease and he has been allocated 7 replacements by his superiors, he can build back his units's strengths to nearly the same levels by adding in new recruits. Adding too many recruits to an existing unit that is depleted in numbers may impact their morale and experience levels
OR he could create a wholly new unit to join his brigade, either Infantry or Cavalry, with 7 bases , but they would all be Cautious Recruits.
The same Pennsylvanian Brigade has also been awarded EPIC Points and Campaign Rewards, something like below, these should be spent with EPIC Point sbeing converted into Experience or Charisma Points for the commander or spent enhancing the Brigade's capabilities.
Pennsylvania Brigade - Hampton awarded 1 EPIC POINT (
Stalwart Defence)
Artillery Pieces. 2 x Lt. Rifled Guns OR 2 x Additional Replacement
ELEPHANT, One unit improved to VETERAN Status OR 1 x Additional Replacement
Your Force Receives additional supplies and you get 2 additional Set-Up Points
for the next Battle
REGT. Merge two smaller Regiments OR 1 x Additional Replacement
Your exploits in the last battle have inspired the nation. +4 Epic Points
Here the brigade commander can claim additional guns, enhance his units further or re-organise existing units. Most Campaign Rewards can be converted into additional replacements so this brigade could potentially claim an additional 4 replacements.
Unused Campaign Rewards are lost prior to the start of the next battle
Contact Mike to discuss valid options...