Friday 11 June 2021

Dr Who - Proper Sci Fi!

So first things first, I am not a huge Dr Who fan, don't get me wrong - I used to watch it as a kid but fell out of love with the program around the time of the 5th, 6th & 7th Doctors, the series went down hill and I stopped watching all together.

1st Doctor - William Hartnell

4th Doctor - Tom Baker with K9

5th Doctor - Peter Davison

My interest was re-awakened by the emergence of the 9th Doctor and then the progression on to the 10th Doctor but I have never become an avid watcher of the series. What I do like is the new modern take on the theme, mixing history with space travel and time warps etc.

10th Doctor - David Tennant

11th Doctor - Matt Smith

What got me into doing these figures and looking at putting on some games is the availability of really cheap figures via eBay, if you look carefully you can find Daleks and other Dr Who races for a few pence per figure. Also a great source of figures is the emergence of a couple of Dr Who boardgames with associated figure ranges from Warlord Games, Gale Force 9 and the like.

12th Doctor - Peter Capaldi

So the Doctors presented here are from a Gale Force 9 boxed game - where owners have sold the sets off on eBay for a reasonable price. I believe the base set - which I have here - consists of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th & 12th Doctors plus K9, the robo-dorg sidekick of Tom Baker.

Monster wise I'm still building up a playable set of these. Daleks are easiest to find, 28mm compatible plastic models are available under the 'Mini Monster Army' banner on eBay. originally give-aways on the front of magazines these hard plastic models in a wide range of colours are available at 30-40p each if you look carefully.

Red Daleks - Security Detail no doubt!
And all the colours! Blue - Strategist, Orange - Scientists,
plus Green & Yellow and the White Leaders.

You can use the same source for soft plastic models of Cyber-men and Sontarans but these are truly terrible models so I have not pursued these any further than getting some initial samples.

I did use the 'Mini Monster Army' soft plastic packs for the Silurians aka Sea Devils or Homo Reptilians, these make a very adequate set for the latest incarnation of these little fellows. Yes, there is a bit of flash around some figures but nothing untoward!

Silurian Sea Devils

I went back to Warlord Games for the Cybermen they do a hard plastic sprue of six Cybermen plus six Cyber-Mats (little cyber maggots that when attached to another life form will generate a Cyber version of the same!).


I got these in a Warlord Games' sale for £4 per sprue. I converted the heavy weapons figures using a couple of old Warhammer 40K Necron Figures to provide arms and weapon after loosing one of the Warlord arms during construction.  I think the result looks pretty good.

Next up are the Weeping Angels, again from the 'Mini Monster Army' stable, they do what they say on the packet and handily come in a grey finish so all that was needed was to varnish, add washes and base. These six came in a combo pack with six others all for £4.99 off eBay.

Finally pictures of test figures from other 'Mini Monster Army' packs. 

An Ood, a memeber of The Silence, A Juddon

What it does show is that the monster selection and dress sense in Dr Who is at times (shall we say) limited, black and silver being very popular! Above we have a member of The Silence (not a 1990s Inde Group), a Rhino man (Juddon) and a guy with tentacles for a mouth (Ood).