Friday 25 June 2021

More Dr Who Madness

Following on from my recent Dr Who post I thought I'd add an update to show and tell on the extra figures that I have now completed.

But first to allay the public outcry on me forgetting t post a picture of the 'Weeping Angels', here is teh picture I forgot to post last time....

6 x Weeping Angels

The Weeping Angels were an extremely powerful species of quantum-locked humanoids (sufficient observation changes the thing being observed), so called because their unique nature necessitated that they often covered their faces with their hands to prevent trapping each other in petrified form for eternity by looking at one another. 

This gave the Weeping Angels their distinct "weeping" appearance. They were known for being "kind" murderous psychopaths, eradicating their victims "mercifully" by dropping them into the past and letting them live out their full lives, just in a different time period. 

This, in turn, allowed them to live off the remaining time energy of the victim's life. However, when this potential energy paled in comparison to an alternative power source to feed on, the Angels were known to kill by other means, such as snapping their victims' necks.

Fresh from recording their debut album, come 'The Silence' an overly tall, stooping alien race that dress in 1980s Ska Revival suits and loom above their victims...

The sound of Silence

It seems that the Silence was a religious order created by Tasha Lem. It was an offshoot of the Church forces of the Papal Mainframe. They tried to kill the Doctor to prevent the fruition of a specific prophecy, which stated: "On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a Question will be asked, a question that must never, ever be answered."

Finally some more Judoon, again in Dr Who standard baddy colours of black and silver! The Judoon were a race of rhinoform humanoids from the planet Judoonia, frequently employed as a mercenary police force. They were known to be brutish and single-minded in carrying out their tasks, without regard for unintended consequences of their actions.

More Judooon