Monday 31 January 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - 28mm Warhammer Lizardmen Riders

 A busy week at home and work this week so I have reduced my output accordingly, that said I'm hoping for anther three posts by the weekend. This one is a set of Warhammer Mounted Lizardmen - I have a second foot unit to complete in a later week as I am waiting on a delivery of appropriate shields from eBay!

The completed unit of five Saurus Riders on Cold Ones

I really liked the idea of a Lizardman Amy but never really got around to it - so I have dragged these figures out of the drawers to submit this year. They were originally rescued from the loft during last year's challenge but I never worked up enough enthusiasm to tackle them before now.

Another view of the unit

As ever I started with a white undercoat, the Cold One beasts - I decided to do Blue and Green. Blue underbellies and Green scales and hide, the riders were to be Yellow-ish and Green to give some contract but an overall Green feel.
Close-up of the Unit Commander

Maybe that's why I never really got round to painting the Lizardmen army - with a large Orc collection - there was just too much green!
I used a dark green on the upper part of the bodies and then lighter blue or ochre tones for the underbellies. When dry, I dry-brushed each with lighter tones to get highlights before applying a Blue, Green or Light Brown wash appropriately to the figures.

Claws, horns, teeth and skulls were picked out in an ivory colour before these were washed and given a highlight with the original colour again. Weapons were painted black, to represent an exotic jungle ebony wood and highlighted grey. Shields, saddles and standards were painted deep red, washed in brown ink and then highlighted with a bright red that is somewhat translucent and thus merges in well.

Gold was represented by Vallejo Brass, with a brown wash over it - there is plenty of bling on these guys.
I completed the figures with a fine sand base and electrostatic grass and tufts.

With a Squirrel point for a new subject matter, I believe that this takes me to 8 Squirrels.