There has been much in the news and internet about the advances of AI technologies and how much these tools can do to make life easier for all!
An illustartive view of the colour scheme suggested by the AI, in this case Purple & Gold, much like the existing Hawk Lords Chapter |
For those that might be interested I have been experimenting with using AI to design and outline a background story for a new Warhammer Space Marines Chapter that I'm thinking about building. Now I could have taken the easy route and gone with one of the recognised 'stock' chapters such as the Ultramarines, Blood Angels or the like.
However instead I feel like creating something new! Nothing agains the 'stock' Chapters - I had an Ultramarine army for several years! I decided that the chapter should be called 'The Emperor's Guard' but you can also tell Chat GPT to make up a suitable name for your chapter.
I asked the AI tool a simple question, which was:
Design a warhammer 40k space marines chapter, describe their uniform colours, chapter lore, tactical docorines and details of their founding. The chapter name should be 'The Emperors Guard'
What ChatGPT replied back was as follows, in my opinion a pretty good initial summary of what would be needed to start building a new Chapter Army. In the foloowing weeks i'll be putting some of these forces together and painting as per suggestions below!
Chat GPT relied:
Name: The Emperor's Guard
Uniform Colors:
The Emperor's Guard dons regal armor in a deep imperial purple with gold trim. Their armor is adorned with intricate engravings depicting scenes of heroism and loyalty. The chapter symbol, a stylized Aquila surrounded by laurel wreaths, is proudly displayed on the right pauldron, while the left bears the squad markings in silver. Veterans and officers wear crimson-colored robes, symbolizing their elevated status. The Emperor's Guard proudly showcases their dedication to the Golden Throne through the elegance of their armor.
Chapter Lore:
The Emperor's Guard traces its origins back to the 21st Founding, known as the 'Cursed Founding.' Initially named the 'Praetorian Wardens,' they were created to serve as an elite force in the defense of critical Imperial assets, including key ecclesiastical sites and planets of great religious importance. However, during the early years of their existence, the chapter suffered from mutations in their gene-seed that caused some concern among the Inquisition. Despite this, the chapter proved its unwavering loyalty to the Emperor and was eventually cleared of any taint.
The Emperor's Guard has since become a bastion of faith and loyalty within the Adeptus Astartes. The chapter's home world, Sanctum Imperialis, is a planet of great spiritual significance, hosting massive cathedrals and shrines dedicated to the worship of the God-Emperor. The chapter maintains a strong connection with the Ecclesiarchy, and their Space Marines often participate in grand processions and religious ceremonies, reinforcing the unity between the Imperial Cult and the Adeptus Astartes.
Known for their fervent devotion to the Emperor, the Emperor's Guard has a unique company known as the 'Custodians of Faith', responsible for safeguarding holy relics and artifacts. These elite warriors are entrusted with the protection of Ecclesiarchal representatives, ensuring that the divine word is spread across the Imperium.
Tactical Doctrines:
The Emperor's Guard excels in rapid response and versatile tactics, combining the flexibility of a Codex-compliant chapter with a strong emphasis on rapid deployment and precision strikes. They are adept at both defensive and offensive operations, adapting their strategies to the specific needs of each engagement.
The chapter places a particular emphasis on the use of jump packs and fast-strike forces to swiftly intervene in critical areas of the battlefield. Their tactical versatility allows them to counter a wide range of threats, from xenos incursions to heretical uprisings. The Emperor's Guard employs a mix of heavy support and rapid assault units, ensuring they can handle various combat scenarios with efficiency and precision.
The Emperor's Guard are proud descendants of the Primarch Dorian Raelius, known as the "Sentinel Lord." Raelius was a master tactician and a resolute defender of the Imperium's borders. His strategic brilliance and unyielding loyalty to the Emperor became the cornerstone of the chapter's ethos. Raelius was particularly known for his ability to inspire his warriors to stand firm in the face of overwhelming odds, a trait that has been passed down through the generations of The Emperor's Guard.
The Emperor's Guard was founded in the early years of the 32nd millennium, during the 21st Founding, in response to the rising importance of defending Imperial religious centers. The chapter's creation was orchestrated by the Ecclesiarchy, working closely with the Adeptus Mechanicus to ensure a new chapter dedicated to both martial prowess and spiritual devotion.
The early years were challenging for the Emperor's Guard, as they struggled to overcome the suspicions surrounding their gene-seed mutations. However, through unwavering loyalty and countless acts of heroism, they proved their purity and dedication to the Emperor's divine will. The chapter's reputation as stalwart defenders of the faith has only strengthened over the millennia.
The Emperor's Guard stands as a shining example of the unity between the Ecclesiarchy and the Adeptus Astartes, with their regal appearance and steadfast commitment to the Imperial Creed. They are a beacon of hope for the faithful and a formidable force against any who would dare threaten the sanctity of the Imperium.
From the about there are quite a few hooks that I can link into to develop the look and feel of the army - purple armour sounds cool and I like the idea of gold trim. The hints at the elite 'Custodians of Faith' company also offers scope for the imagination, especially if combined wit heth notes on the chapter's tactica doctorines. I particulaly like the hint at the mutaion of the gene seed that means the Inquisition is ever watching what they do - what will this mean in terms of the tabletop model's appearance?!
So to get going on using AI, you need to set-up an account on a suitable AI engine - I used Chat GPT, you can find them here:
Obviously you can substitute any 40K race for Space Marines and get a similar listing to base your forthcoming work on. I have also experimented on getting AI to generate Waragmes Scenarios, based upon historic battles. These are a bit more hit and miss, the more 'mainstream' the historic period and the rules set to be used - the betetrthe results. This is as might be expected. If there is enough interest I'll share some of these results in coming weeks.