Tuesday 15 October 2024

Savage Orcs

After a bit of a break I've been able to complete a group of six Savage Orc Bosses, tese guys are part of the 3D printed Blood Bowl set that I was able to purchase some weeks back.

In the scheme of things these guys would be linemen in teh Blood Bowl game, but due to their size (they're big) I'll be using them as Bosses!
Six Savage Orc Linemen / Bosses

Each figure was painted in my usual way for Savage Orcs - which has progressed to be a cream undercoat, Skeleton Horde on the bone work and then Army Painter Orc Skin on the flesh areas. Leather is GW Snakebite Leather and various other colours as required to add detail.

All speen paints are then allowed to dry before building up highlights with drybrushing and / or the use of various lightened base coats.

I have found that I need to varnish the bone areas first and let dry before returning to varnish eth skin - to prevent seepage of ink colours to stain the bones green! Annoying when first encounterd but easy to fix.

Another view of the finished Savage Orcs

Close-up No.1 - this guy has bone armour and is using lizardmen hide as a loin cloth and knee pads.

Close-up No.2 - again thi sguy has a lot of bone armour as well as trophies and trinkets adorning his body.
The Toadstalls are from an old GW kit.

Close-up No.3 - far too many bone blades on his right hand glove and an enhanced set of teeth as well!

Close-up No.4 - this guy is the only model that betrays the original intent for these guys
- in a clasic Lineman pose but not out of context here!

Close-up No.5 - triceratops armour plus a lot of bone blades, what more can you want!

Finally, Close-up No.6 - Bull's head belt buckle and bone armour,
this guy is carrying a flaming torch, just because he can...

All the bases are on 40 x 40mm plastic bases, the regular 30 x 30mm bases just won't hold these big guys....

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