By John Sears

I hope Fridays one week Boer War game amused you all? I've had some helpful and interesting feedback from Nigel (thanks), so we'll be going again this Friday with another scenario that I initially thought would be too small an action but in fact I now think with a little tinkering with figure scale will work fine.
We all know how effective the British artillery is so the Boer players will be pleased to know that there is less artillery in this next scenario. After digesting Nigel's thoughts as well, I shall be including Boer dummy positions to confuse the Brits. This did play a part in the original battle as well, confounded by British officer ineptness!

I've also messed about a bit with the morale rules! Over this weekend I've looked at various situations that players could be in when needing to test for morale and the original rules make it really really easy to pass morale in even the most dire of situations. So, I've moved the factors around a bit so that failing morale is more of a possibility than it was before. I'm not a fan of units fighting on forever and we had a few situations on Friday when units were destroyed before their morale failed!
Anyway, thanks for sticking with my latest attempt to find a rule set for a difficult theatre that I feel gives you a sense of 'what it would've been like'.