by John Sears

Well, it’s that time of year once again when its good for the soul to analyse what we’ve been doing all year. So, once again I’ve taken it upon myself to burn the midnight oil pondering over exhaustive records, statistics and log entries (all on the back of one of Rupert's envelopes with gaps made up with personal prejudice) to illuminate our activities for your amusement (other analysis is or will be available) revealing the following items of interest;
Most popular gaming period of 2019
Joint 1st place: Medieval & WW2
3rd place: Horse and Musket

Player who put most games on or contributed to others (not including venue provider which would mean Mikey winning hands down every year!)
1st place: John
2nd place: Steve
3rd place: Dave
So there you have it, retirement obviously suits Dave who crept up this year from behind!
Steve and I are pretty obvious contenders and probably explains the leading periods as well as we both cover two out of three each.