Friday 18 March 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - 28mm Test batch of Medjai Warriors for Egyptian Undead Adventures

 This is a test group of figures that will be expanded over time to represent the Medjai - also known as the Pharaoh's Guard - in my planned for Egyptian Undead Adventures series of games! Again these are 'Hollywood' style interpretations of the Medjai tribesmen, used by the Pharaohs as their personal bodyguards. I again apologise for the terrible liberties taken in transposing dress styles from south east Asia to Africa.

Completed test batch of six Medjai Warriors

It seems historically the Medjai were an elusive people whom Ancient Egyptian texts seem to refer to as either an ethnic or an occupational group. In the early part of their history, they appear to have been a subgroup of Nubians associated with a land called Medja in the Upper Nile regions.

According to Hollywood (and specifically the film 'The Mummy'), the Medjai are the Pharaoh's sacred bodyguards, a group who have watched over and guarded Hamunaptra (the Ancient Egyptian City of the Dead) for centuries. They are sworn to do all in their power to prevent the resurrection of the crazy High Priest Imhotep, who wants to use the bodies of the dead as an army to do his evil bidding .

A possible command group, showing black robes and dark blue turbans and sashes quite well

Anyway enough of the history (real and dodgy), these figures are very similar in construction to the Arab Cultists you may have seen on some of my previous posts (here). The difference is the colour scheme that I used to completed the figures.

After a white undercoat, I painted the flesh and gave this a sepia wash when dry, then the robes of these guys were painted dark grey. Turbans and Sashes were painted a bright blue. The robes were then given a couple of Dark Tone washes to give a shaded black look and the blue areas were also given a black wash to add shading  and mute the blue colour a little.

Close-up of the firepower - Left to right, a  Jezails, a musket and a Bowman.

The flag was painted sky blue and then washed blue, before highlighting again in sky blue - this ties in to the sky blue colour scheme I used in previous Egyptian Undead Postings from last year's challenge (here).

Basing was fine sand and dried rocky tufts of dried grass to fit in with the general scheme for this project. I'm pretty pleased with the outcome and will build up this force and start looking for Adventurers to add to the mix, if you want to keep up with the project watch out for more here.