Monday 15 August 2005

Five and Twenty Ponies - The Results

  Objective Outcome Reason Potential Points Points Awarded
1 Accumulate enough evidence to bring he Carters to court and put them behind bars. Partially Achieved After the capture of Prussia House, Mike captured enough evidence on the Carters to at least prove that they were involved in a smuggling operation, though it wasn't enough to convict them outright. However, with the capture and forthcoming trial of Davey Carter, Davey could be sent to the colonies or hung and gibetted and the remainder of the Carter gang "Gazzetted". However extenuating circumstances could still see the the Carters getting off the hook! (See the Carters section for more detail) 2 1
2 Ensure that the Carters operation is closed down for good, either by the above method or by using more ruthless tactics. Partially Achieved Mike didn't manage to close down the Carters operation completely, even though it was seriously hampered as a consequence of the French raid and the loss of all of their fleet. The operation still continued albiet under the guise of the "Quadrangle" 2 1
3 Recover as much contraband as possible. Partially Achieved Mike managed to recover enough contraband to be classed as a substantail haul compared to what was recovered in reality in the same amount of time. However, in terms of points, only the Carters shipments were worth anything. This objective like the others was worth 2 points and for each shipment that Mike captured, he scored 0.2 of a point. All in all he captured 5 shipments of the Carters and was awarded 1 point. 2 1
4 Disrupt the Carters operation so that their clientele looses faith in their ability to meet demand. Partially Achieved Again, Mike didn't actually manage to achieve all of this on his own as some of it was a direct consequence of the French raid. 2 1
5 Transport all captured contraband to the bonded store in the city of Whitehaven in the last week of the month for resale through legal outlets Partially Achieved This last objective was enacted by the umpire. Mike Newman was going to use his revenue men and the Napwell militia to guard the convoy against possible attack from the smugglers. As we already know, Mike Whiteford had eyes on this convoy and had intended to take it over using his militia. This he failed to do but in doing so it has left him exposed as he could be connected with the ambush even though he was in Tuddenham by the flu at the time. 2 1

Additional points given for actions beyond the call of duty

1 Organising a stout defence against the French during their raid on Knappwell Achieved Mikes stout defence of Knappwell and his contribution to the attack on Prussia house was without doubt worth praise and additional points. His civilian guise meant that he wasn't committed to any military style actions and, if he had chosen, he could have walked away from it all without losing face. 2 2
2 Contributing to the attack on Prissia house Achieved   2 2
  Achieved Total Points
Success Rate


  Objective Outcome Reason Potential Points Points Awarded
1 Accumulate Successfully land and distribute 10 shipments of contraband Partially Achieved This was the one overall objective the Carters had to achieve. They managed to land 8 shipments but failed to distribute any of them. They got 0.5 points per shipment landed and 0.5 points for each one distributed. 10 4

Additional points given for actions beyond the call of duty

1 Assisting in the defence of port Knappwell during the French raid Achieved What appeared to some a "publicity stunt" by the Carters to appease the local community in its time of woe, turned out to be a coup de main for the Carters. They arrived just at the moment when the leader of the raiders was at his most vulnerable. Laying wounded in the Captains cabin, he was easy prey for the Carters. His swift extraction and subsequent delivery to the authorities in Whitehaven will go a long way in convincing the court in Davey Carter’s trial that the Judge should be lenient with the Carters. 2 2
2 Handing over the leader of the French raiders to the authorities. Achieved   2 2
  Achieved Total Points
Success Rate

The French

  Objective Outcome Reason Potential Points Points Awarded
1 Successfully locate the French spy and bring him back to France Achieved The rendezvous with the spy could have gone the other way had the dragoons under the command of riding Officer Richard Stockwell been a little more ambitious. 5 5
2 Successfully locate Sir Percy Stanmoor and bring him back to France Partially Achieved The main objective was to get Sir Percy back to France, preferably in one piece. However, Sir Percy had been seriously wounded at the battle of Knappwell and by the time he arrived in France he was in a critical state and would take months to recover. Being shot was not a good thing but being shot by a French bullet was even worst and would not go down well with the French authorities at all as it would put the intended plans on hold for months. 5 2.5
    Total Points
Success Rate

The Militia

  Objective Outcome Reason Potential Points Points Awarded
1 Obtain 4 loads of contraband. Partially Achieved Mike only started to have success at the very end of the campaign. He was awarded 2.5 points per load of contraband. He managed to get 25% of one of the Carters shipments which was in fact 50% of one shipment as there were two shipments of contraband on the Carters ship. Mike was therefore awarded 1.25 points for this. Mike got no points for the ambush of the Customs convoy. 10 1.25
    Total Points
Success Rate

So that's it, campaign over, well done to everyone who participated and here are the final results in order of success!

1st French with 75%
2nd Customs with 64%
3rd Carters with 57%
4th Militia with 12.5%