Wednesday 20 March 2019

AHPC IX: Last gasp entries! Many, Many Goblins (450 Points)

Wow, just under 3 days to go and the challenge is over!

Here's where I'm putting together all my last minute submissions in a valiant attempt to meet my 2,000 Point target, not having done one of these challenges before - I obviously over estimated the number of figures that I could get done in the time!

Raw undercoated unit on my workbench
So first of my catch-up items this week is a group of 30 GW Night Goblins that I didn't quite get finished in time, over the weekend, for Monday's submission. Having seen the pile of GW greenskin plastic I have - I thought it would be a good idea to see if I could clear this out after several years!

Final Completed Unit

These have been kicking around for years, as previously noted - I'm not hugely keen on the single figure mouldings that GW moved to for their Night Goblins and other figures, but I have so many of them it it seemed churlish not to get them done.

Unit with Shield details

Unit with Command figure details
A departure from my usual white undercoats here,these were spray painted black and then I picked out he key colours as I layered on the paint for green flesh, brown wood and metalwork etc. I decided on a bright yellow moon standard and reflected that in all the shields.

Some wash on the spear shafts and shields finished off the unit pretty well.

Calculations: 30 Figures @ 5 Points per figure = 150 Points

Coming to the end of the goblin Plastic pile!

Next was the real '2 Day Challenge' - clearing out the 60+ remaining Goblin figures, mostly Night Goblin archers and a few more spider riders, with 2 days and 17 hours left running on the Challenge clock!

My aim was to get the Night Goblin Archers done in 2 units of 30 figures, using the remaining figures to build a custom Night Goblin Spider Rider Unit. If this last unit doesn't get posted then I ran out of time!

Amazing what a tight schedule can do for you... with 15 hours to go,the Night Goblin Archer units are done.

First completed unit

Same techniques used in these two units as used in the Night Goblin Spear unit above - i.e. a black sprayed on undercoat followed by batch painting of the key colours - Green skin, light brown under robes tan coloured leather with added steel and brass work with special attention paid to the command figures.

This time I used black wash on the arrows and a sepia wash on the quivers and bow hand bindings to finish off the units.

Second completed Night Goblin Archer Unit
So the pictures show each of the units in detail and then a panoramic view of both these units together.

When deployed on the tabletop,with the spear unit between them then these 90 little guys will be a scary opposition for any army!

There are no night Goblin Spider Riders - I ran out of time, such is life!

Both units together!

Calculations: 2 Units of 30 Figures @ 5 Points per figure = 300 Points

TOTALS: 150 Points + 300 Points = 450 Points

With 14 Hours and 39 minutes to go - I'm not going to get anything else completed to any reasonable standard, so I'm calling it an end!

If the above points are credited to me, then that's 1,961 for the challenge, just 39 short of the target but not bad for the first attempt!  I shouldn't have messed around so much at the start of the challenge.

Great fun - Thanks everyone from the minions (especially Barks) to those kind enough to comment on my attempts.

Hopefully I'll get invited back next year, when I can reveal the 7th & 8th levels of my lead & plastic Inferno!

You can find me - along with the other members of the SAS Wargames Club here,where after a rest I'll ramble on about our latest games and what's on my workbench....