Friday 26 August 2022

Latest 28mm Vikings

So here are my latest additions to the 28mm Viking Horde that I have been collecting for a few years, there must be enough to represent the Great Heathen Horde in a pretty realistic scale now!

Almost all of these figures are Gripping Beast guys, purchased on a whim from eBay as I saw the lot going at a reasonable price and already made and undercoated. There are three metal 'Ulfhednar' Berserkers in there as will plus a metal Gripping Beast model of Harald Hardada, whom I am obviously using as a commander for this group.

The completed group, on some nice new figure trays (made from MDF)

As noted the figures came pre-made and undercoated, I did a little chopping and gluing to repair broken and weapons and also to swap out some of the Gripping Beast heads that I didn't really like with Victrix spares that I had.

Unit Commander

The trays allow for eight or sixteen figures to be placed as a unit and thus ease movement and unit recognition for the coming games that I'm planning. 

First Group of Armoured Vikings

Second Group of Armoured Vikings, note the Ulfhednars lurking in these units,
they will be subject to a frenzy rule and may just charge out directly at the nearest enemy at their whim

The bulk of the lot were made up of unarmoured Dark Ages infantry, I have given them a slight Viking look and feel but in reality they can be used for pretty much any Dark Age army if you don't look too closely! 

The great unwashed of the Viking Army!