Saturday, 29 April 2023

To Topple a King: Sir Philip Johnson

Sir Philip Johnson

It is with much rejoicing and relief that Sir Philip Johnson mustered his regiments in London today after an arduous march via Westminster from the Home counties of Kent and Sussex. Reportedly he has brought some 7,000 men with him in his crusade against the tyrant King. 

Under his command are Captains Thomas Bignell, Sir George Wytham and Sir Oliver Hardy. Folks will remember the fanatical speeches made by Sir George in Parliament in the lead up to the present unpleasantness and Sir George's rhetoric is backed up by the fact that he is likely the single most effective Military Commander in the country at this time, with years of experience on the Continent and n Ireland and the recent troubles in Scotland. 

 Word has it that Sir Magnus Worthyman is also in the act of raising his forces which are due to relocate to London imminently.

Friday, 28 April 2023

Battle of Frankfurt

Friday, 28th April saw Mark putting on game 4 in his series of the Battle for Frankfurt, set in the dying days of the second World War.


German forces struggled all evening to pin a hit on the attacking Russians but in the lat minutes of the first week of the game, the Germans managed to knock out an SU152!

This was achieved by a very cunningly concealed 88mm PAK gun.

Meanwhile German paramilitary firefighters were holding a line of tank traps awiting waves of Russian infantry attacks.

Below are additional  earlier shots of the table-top.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

To Topple a King: Osborne Black-De'Arth musters in London

Sir Osborne Black-De'arth

Late last night Sir Osborne Black-De'arth raised and mustered his Trayned Bands in London to fight for Parliament, observers present at Finsbury Green estimated their numbers at about 4,000 men.

Osborne Black-De'Arth has considerable military experience, having fought in Europe for many years and since that time has been a member of the London Trained Bands as a part time commander of their Blew Regiment.

Under De'Arth's command are three captains - Richard Calamity, Noah May-Knott & Harry Russet, they join the forces already mustered by William Bacon and Bevell Dedge, to fight for Parliament against the Tyrant King.

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

To topple a King: Prince Ruprecht of the Elbe

Prince Ruprecht of the Elbe,
Baron of Balcombe & Handcross

This morning Prince Ruprecht of the Elbe marched his gallant Royalist Force of what local sympathisers estimated to be 9,000 men, into the Carfax in Oxford.

By way of introduction - Ruprecht is a Prince of a small German principality on eth River Elbe, his family fortunes are somewhat at a low ebb and he petitioned his distant cousin, King Charles, for a property in England. He was granted the Baronetcy of Balcombe & Handcross.

Ruprecht is thought by some to be a little vain, he prefers to think of himself as looking like some kind of rockstar or the 17th Century equivalent (Minstrelstar?)! Certainly the ladies of Oxford were seen to swoon as his marched his men into the Carfax.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

To Topple a King: Giovanni di Capo

Marchese Giovanni da Verrazano

First light this morning, amongst much hubbub, carousing and drinking of a cheeky breakfast wine, Marchese Giovanni da Verrazano marched his forces into Oxford and declared for the King. Known to many as 'Giovanni di Cappo' but to others as the 'Pirate of Venice'.

Reports indicate that Verrazano has a force of some 5,000 men with him, including a personal bodyguard of some 200 Venetian Horsemen known as the Azzuri.

Parliamentarian sympathisers question the veracity of Venetian Horsemen, with may at Mrs Miggins' Pie Shoppe suggesting that they in fact as combat ready as Seahorses!

The Royalist forces now have 4 of 5 commanders mustered in Oxford, whilst the Parliamentarians are lagging somewhat behind with just two commanders mustered in London and the other three presumably debating and voting on procedures and configurations for their forces!

So to date we have the following teams mustered...

Royalist                                                       Parliament
Dave - Ambrose Burnside                            Mat - William Bacon                               
Paul - Lord Cockington                                Mike - Bevell Dedge
Steve - Wilhelm of the Rine                         -----------------------------------
John - Giovanni di Capo                              Mark - Osborne Black-De'ath
-----------------------------------                       Phil - Philip Johnson
Rupert Ruprecht of the Elbe                       Nigel - Magnus Worthyman

Monday, 24 April 2023

To Topple King: Breaking News - Burnside joins Royalist Muster at Oxford


Marquis Ambrose Burnside

Late in the afternoon, Marquis Ambrose Burnside marched his hastily recruited forces into Oxford, where he declared for the King and mustered in a force of about 7,000 men to the King's colours.

Sources close to eth King have called this 'Magnificent Monday', with three commanders declaring in quick succession, this very day. As previously reported it is known that Prince Ruprecht is working on mustering his troops, the only laggard at this stage is the piratical Italian nobleman Marchese Giovanni da Verrazano, who has promised support to the King but so far has not shown his hand...

South East in London there are stirrings of further Parliamentary declarations with Sir Osborne Black-De’Ath, known to be attempting to recruit and Sir Magnus Worthyman and Sir Philp Johnson considering their positions....

To Topple a King: Royalists Muster in Oxford

Prince Wilhelm

What a difference a weekend makes, two Royalist Commanders have declared for the King and marched into Oxford with their forces. Namely the German mercenary Prince,  Wilhelm of the Rine, Margarve of the Palatine of Baconburger with a force that some say is 8,000 strong. That same afternoon Lord Cockington and his West Country fellows arrived to join Prince Wilhelm with what is also widely reported as an additional 7,000 men.

Lord Cockington

Meanwhile there are strong rumours that another German Prince, Ruprecht of the Elbe, is near to completion of raising a third Royalist force that is heading to muster at Oxford.

Prince Ruprecht of the Elbe

Meanwhile things are quiet on the Parliamentary side after an initial rush to arms.

To Topple A King: Introducing Prince Wilhelm of the Rine

Prince Wilhelm of the Rind,
Margrave of the Palatinate state of Baconburger

The first Royalist Player has now declared for the King, Steve is playing as Prince Wilhelm of the Rine, for those interested, here is a brief outline of this character's backgound.

Prince Wilhelm of the Rind, Margrave of the Palatinate state of Baconburger This little known Prince came from a distinctly poorer twig of the Palatinate-Simmern branch of the House of Wittelsbach and this is why the Baconburgers have been largely written out of History’s rich tapestry. 

Wilhelm was the seventh son of Prince Ludwig of Baconburger and had little hope of becoming anyone important. His title had been given to him by his father to make him sound and feel very important but it held no water so he jumped at the chance when he received a letter from the Royal court in England asking Wilhelm to come and fight at the Kings side. 

Wilhelm brought 200 men with him and when he arrived in England he organised them into his own regiment of horse but unfortunately due to his poor English he named them “Wilhelms Life Jackets” instead of “Life Guard” and they soon got the nickname of “The fat Lardys” due to Wilhelm’s title.

Wilhelm’s best friend, Baron Von Klaus of Hangover soon joined him and he too brought along his own regiment of horse naming it in honour of Wilhelm. “Wilhelm’s Loyal Reiter” quickly got a reputation for being the most miserable bunch of German mercenaries in the Royalist army and were soon nicknamed “The Sour Krauts". However, King Charles wasted little time introducing Wilhelm to some well connected people at his court to help raise an army on the Kings behalf.

Baron Harry Monck 

Wilhelm was first presented to Baron Harry Monck at the Kings Court. The Moncks are a religious family and are well connected to the Carp eating Bishop of Orson Wells. The Moncks come from a Sheep producing part of the Kingdom and managed to raise two regiments of horse under the command of Captaynes Johnathon Lamb of Tallow and Roger Mint of Herbaton.

Marquis Hugh Jampton 

The Jamptons are an old Norman family who have lived in the same castle by the river Jampton since the time of William the Conqueror and come from a Pork producing part of the Kingdom. They managed to raise three regiments of foote under the commands of Captaynes Howard Scrumpy of Appleton, Jacob Streaky of Lardcastle and Greville Boar of Tenderloin. 

Sir Phil Magroin 

The Magroins are an old Scottish family and were originally called Macgrain but due to the constant mispronunciation of their name it became Magroin much to the amusement of everyone at court. The Magroins are well know as producers of beef and have raised two regiments of foote under the command of Captaynes Arthur Blade of Chuck Hatch and John Bull of Brisket by the Cut and one of Dragoons under the command of Captayne Samual Béarnaise of Eggbaston.

Benoit Baggette de la Boulangerie 

However, there was one element of the army that was still missing and that was Artillery. Whilst out one day in Oxford Wilhelm came across an establishment selling Honey cake. Wilhelm loved Honey cake so he stopped for a slice and a cup of milk curdled with wine and spiced with cinnamon, otherwise known as Posset. 

Wilhelm got chatting with the proprietor of the establishment who turned out to be one Benoit Baggette de la Boulangerie (of the bakery). As one would expect in a wargames campaign, Benoit had fought in the 30 years war as a master gunner. What a coincidence thought Wilhelm, it couldn’t have been written any better, so he invited Benoit to form a company of gunners. 

Benoir closed down his establishment and asked his employees if they would like to join him and would you believe it, they did! There was however one small problem, his staff only knew how to load bread into ovens and not cannon balls into guns so Benoit would have his work cut out kneading them from Pain ordinere into Pain au chocolat.

To Topple a King: Royalist Pamphlet

With Steve submitting his Army set-up options and his character Prince Wilhelm of the Rine, Margrave of Baconburger, his latest propaganda pamphlet has now been published in Oxford, exciting the population and raising his Public Awareness by +1.

Modern dap historians believe that they can trace artistic and reporting style influences in contemporary modern day publications...

Friday, 21 April 2023

To Topple a King: Parliamentary Forces Muster in London

Sir William Bacon
Following Yesterday's declaration for Parliament by Sir William Bacon, he has been joined in his efforts by Sir Bevill Dedge and his forces.

Parliamentary Commander Sir William Bacon was the first to muster and deploy troops to his cause. His troops are currently billeted in London and this force is estimated to be over 3,000 strong.

It is reported that alongside Bacon are his three trusted Captains Richard Sim, Hugh Jespear and Sir Oswald Lumpineck.
Sir Bevill Dedge

Today Sir William was joined by Sir Bevill Dedge as he marched his force of over 4,000 men into the capital to be placed at the service of Parliament. Dedge's command group includes Captains Howard Kentiby & Isaac Townes as well as the noted playwright Sir Aaron Graces, last seen in the capital when he opened his charming production 'The Wealthy Heiress'.

Sir Aaron Graces

No comment has yet been heard from the King's camp in Oxford

Thursday, 20 April 2023

To Topple a King: Parliamentary Pamphlet

 Sir William Bacon has just released the following Pamphlet in support of his Parliamentary views! +1 Public Awareness for William for putting his views in to print.

To Topple a King!

Lines are being drawn across England, with people declaring for King or Parliament. Within the SAS Wargames Club we are starting a new ECW Campaign, campaign & battle reports will be posted to this website, along with propaganda pamphleteering by both player teams as the war progresses.

Player Teams are as follows:

ROYALISTS                                PARLIAMENTARIANS

John                                              Mat

Steve                                             Mike

Paul                                               Mark

Dave                                              Nigel

Rupert                                            Phil

Mat has been the first to muster a force in London for Parliament, under his payer character Sir William Bacon. Upon declaring for Parliament Bacon was heard to say, 

"Good people of England, we live in dangerous and unstable times. Though Parliament has strived hard to support the King, his demands and insults to the people of this noble land have compounded and piled high until an unsustainable mountain of putrid despotism is all that can be seen. The King has turned on his people and the good men of England can no longer stand by and be so abused. The standard has been raised here in London and with Gods good grace I call upon all people of conscience to muster here in London to stand against the Ogre who calls himself King. No more will the good men of England have to answer to a Despot. It is time that Parliament protects the rights of all in this noble Land."

The country awaits a response from the King's followers in Oxford.

Much of this campaign is based upon material originally published by Steven Balagan, more <here>, as ever with any wargamers, there are extensive changes to a lot of the detail!

Monday, 10 April 2023

Battle of Antietam

By Paul B.

Over the last couple of months we’ve been trying out the Longstreet ACW rules.  A free copy of the basic-game including cards are free to down load at Longstreet — Sam A. Mustafa

The rules are relatively simple and easy to pick up & learn. The card system and what each card does adds the period flavour.  For example, "rebel yell".  Various cards can also be played during your opponents turn, to influence things in your favour. For example, the union player playing bad fuses against confederate artillery.  

Turning to the battle, we decide to play the northern section of Antietam and the initial encounter (see attached map).

Like history, the Union attack went nowhere fast.  Massed guns in the centre had limited success in pushing the confederates back to the tree line thus making the sunken road a more exposed position.  After two assaults, the second being inconclusive combat along the length of the sunken road (as you know renamed bloody lane after the battle), we decided to call it a day. 

With the confederates holding the position with newly arrived fresh veterans, the Union player would have to wait for reinforcements and rely on weight in numbers for taking the position.