Tuesday 16 May 2023

To Topple a King: Parliament takes the Initiative


Escalating Public Order offences and vicious Dog fights result in Parliamentary forces
liberating the Lincolnshire region on behalf of the People, to prevent further violence.

1642: September/October

Parliamentary forces surge onwards and northwards as Sir Matthew Bacon secures access to the north by occupying the Lincolnshire region of the campaign map. In doing so he brings the formerly neutral region and it's notable towns & cities of Nottingham, Newark & Lincoln to the side of righteousness and democracy.

Whilst Royalist leaders in Oxford are initially shocked by Parliament pulling off two phases sequentially, they now prepare to do likewise themselves, with first Prince Ruprecht of the Elbe and then Giovanni da Verrazano displaying their extravagantly continental military prowess on the campaign field.

However of the recent moves by Sir Matthew, the Royalist know little, they have no indication of his relative strength or if he has garrisoned any location, as far as they are concerned at present the entire enemy force remains in the field.

What has been heard however is that the Parliamentary forces have been supplemented by mercenaries sourced form Scotland, they northern hosts having apparently been sent south by their overlords to bolster Sir William's weakened forces.

Strategic initiative now passes to the Royalist Team, the forces of the English People wait with baited breath!

Campaign Materials sourced from Steven Bagalan / Map by Peter Davies

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