Tuesday 18 February 2020

AHPC X - From Grahame H, Walkers for Frans Fjord (70 points)

I have probably left starting the island challenge a bit late, but that should make completing it more of a challenge.

Having gone through my mountain of unpainted shame (and it is a mountain rather than a pile) I found these two Walkers. I have no idea where or when I purchased them. Equally I don’t know who made them, but if it wasn’t for the challenge they made have never even been painted.

Now that I have done I’m thinking I should buy some more Sci-fi stuff. When will it ever end????

Anyhow the figures.


Well I know that is 30 pts for exploring Frans Fjord
Not sure about the walkers themselves . They measure about 3.5” so is 20 pts each too much?

Makes a total of 70pts