Thursday 20 February 2020

AHPC X, From GrahameH - Bromley’s Butte - Recon & some bits (290 Points)

The next stop for me on the island challenge is Bromley’s Butte. For this I decided to paint a squad of  10 x 28mm scouts conducting a recon and some surveillance. Unfortunately, being very professional at what they do (apart from hiding behind a lone tree) it is hard to see them, but I am sure you will take my word for it. So I think that is 50 pts. 😇

Camouflaged so they can’t been seen - 10 x 28mm Scout Squad

Just in case you didn’t believe me I painted something more visible, three 15mm WW2 SAS jeeps from Battlefront. These were quiet fun to paint but not as easy as the 10 figures in the picture above. 6 x 2 for the crew and 3 x 4 for the jeeps. That’s errr 24pts plus 30 pts for the island challenge, 54pts

15mm SAS Jeeps from Battlefront

I had a few Lombards left over so I have have painted them as German Cavalry for my Carolingian Frank army. I say army, but these are the only units I have painted.  All Essex (love Essex Miniatures) 15mm. 72pts

15mm Essex Lombard Figures painted as Other Dark Age German Cavalry

I also finished off the last of my Lombard army ( apart from the camp) by painting the final two bow units. I had a couple of figures left over so these will be “Heroes” for To the Strongest Rules” and the extra points 😋. 36 figures and 2 mounted 80pts

More 15mm Essex Lombard archers and a couple of 15mm cavalry

Also finished were the last of my Eastern Cavalry again with a few “Heroes” 84 pts

The last of my 15mm Legio Heroica Mongol Miniatures

That brings my total for this entry, not including the hidden 28mm Scout Squad, to 290 pts.
All 15mm
3 SAS Jeeps = 54pts
18 German Cavalry = 72
36 archers = 72
2 cavalry = 8
21 Mongol 84

Next. Something to do with Mountains????