Monday 14 February 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - 25mm Medieval Guns and Crew

This is another lucky find in my drawers, I remember buying these figures from eBay a few years back when I was doing a War of the Roses project, they looked just great online but when they arrived they were clearly 25mm figures and not 28mm as advertised.

The two Bombards in position 

They went straight into the drawer, only to be rescued last week with a view to painting them up!

There are two guns, each on wooden frames and three crewmen for each, plus an Artillery Train commander - who I have based separately.

Nearly forgot to take a snap of these figures prior to starting the painting work

Everything was given a white undercoat before painting up the gun frames and barrels separately. The brown wood frames were washed in Army Painter Strong Tone ink and the gunmetal barrels were washed in Dark Tone.

Close-up on the first gun and crew

Crewmen were painted in various, mostly muted tones and then washed with assorted Army Painter Inks to give some shading before I went back to highlight as needed.

Basing was achieved with fine sand and electrostatic grass.

And the second gun and crew!