Monday 14 February 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - Classic Orc Archers

 One of the fun things about these challenges is sorting through old boxes of stuff and unexpectedly coming across items that you forgot you ever had. Such is a case here.

Not just old classic Warhammer Orcs, but very, very early plastic Orcs that I'd obviously gotten round to undercoating with black primer but next then taken the plunge to paint before packing them away to the oblivion of the loft for donkeys' years...

The completed unit of 12 Orc Archers, dating back to the 1990s I believe

By way of recompense, I have now painted them and a fine looking bunch of greenskins they appear to be!

The figures waiting to be painted

I kept the black undercoat and used this as a basis for their clothing, dry-brushing the whole with a mid grey before blocking in their skin with an appropriate green colour.

I picked out the details of the bow, chainmail, quiver & arrows, boots and hat etc as appropriate and then allowed to dry.

Close-up of the unit's left flank, I opted to go for uniform colours which was much in vogue back in the day

After repairing my mistakes, I applied green ink to the skin, brown ink to the bow, hat and equipment before applying black in to the rest of the figure.

Head on view of the unit's right flank

Once dry the figures were matt varnished and then based in my usual manner.