Saturday 8 July 2023

Friday Night Games: Hussite Wars

For his game on 7th July  Mat had prepared a challenging 10mm Hussite Wars game, pitting Mike N. and Mike W. and the Hussites against an Imperialist force played by Dave, Phil, Rupert and Steve.

The two Mike's Wagon lines bridge between a forest line on their right and marshland to the left.
Dave's Imperial Horse can be seen approaching the Hussite lines

The action started with Rupert and Dave advancing their battles to fireclay engage with the Hussite battles.

Meanwhile, Steve followed Phil's cavalry battle around the edge of the world, on the Hussite left, with the aim of crashing into their unsuspecting rear rank.

Dave's cavalry, was first to engage with Mike W's battle, after a couple of rounds of shooting and melee, Dave's command routed from the fray.

Rupert's tardy battle, with organ guns on their front right and,
missile men to their left and mounted knights to their rear

Whilst Dave's command forged ahead, as the knights went impetuous after taking some casualties, Rupert kept his battle on a tight leash and they edged forwards at a slow rate.

Meanwhile the rear Steve's cavalry command emerged from eth forests and descended on to the flank of the small Hussite Cavalry command, which immediately broke and left the field, pursued by Steve's cavalry command!

Mike N, redeployed his Wagon line to face the rear, creating an arched laager against the forest line at the edge of the world.

Hussite Wagon Laager

Eventually Phil's cavalry command emerged from the woods and advanced upon the Hussite lines as Mike N was completing his redeployments, however Mike was able to send a few shots into the advancing horse,, who thought better of the situation and retired out of range.

And there the battle ended for eth evening, wit the Imperialists unable or unwilling to attack the wagon laager and the Hussites unable to sally forth and attack the Imperialists.

A closer view of the Hussite Laager

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