Tuesday 4 July 2023

Off the Workbench: Epic TYW Swedes & Vosper MTBs

So much for me saying that I was going to press on with more Marian Wars 28mm figures over the last week.

Swedish Yellow Regiment, in Epic Scale (approximates 15mm)

Swedish Blue Regiment, in Epic Scale (actually 13.5mm tall)

As it happens my head was turned by two separate Warlord Games items - Epic Thirty Years War Swedish Infantry and two Vosper MTBs from the front cover of July's Wargames Illustrated.

Two Painted Vosper MTBs, Mk I & Mk II

The TYW figures have been painted up as the Swedish Yellow Regiment. I undercoated these white and then used a bright yellow for uniforms, Oily Steel for armour, helmets and sundry other items and then added detail such as straps, sashes, musket stocks and pikes in suitable colours.

Another close-up of the Yellow Regiment, unit contains two wings of 20 musketeers
plus a pike block of 40 figures, including command

Another view, figures are designed to be viewed 'en masse' and give a fair representation of a pike & shot regiment in my opinion

And a close-up of the Musketeer block,
their paint job  doesn't look super great under close scrutiny

I opted to put the musketeers on 60x40mm bases and the pike block on a 60x60mm base. This allows a little extra space for terrain work and protects (hopefully) the plastic pikes.

Some may have seen the first regiment I panted a few weeks ago - but adding to the post for comparison purposes. These represent the Swedish Blue Regiment, these were undercoated in black and then pry brushed white to pull out highlights before painting.

These have turned out rather dark for my liking - so lesson learnt! Stick to a white undercoat at all times!

The Swedish Blue Regiment

Another view

The MTBs were fun projects to get done  simple to construct and easy to base coat in grey.

Vosper MTB Mk II, with dazzle camouflage

I gave each vessel a dry brush either light grey to pull out yhe highlights before adding in life preservers in red & white, blue glass and dingy and ropes in natural colours.

Mk I version, if I find suitable transfer sheets,
I'll add numbers to these boats in the future

Another view of the Mk II boat, note I have added some weathering effects on the hull

All was washed in a watered down dark tone to add detail. Thinking I'll go back and complete those other vessels that I have that are still one their sprues.

Hmm... More MTBs or press on with Marian Wars figures for next week, who knows!

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