Tuesday 23 July 2024

Another Tomb Kings army Update

 Following on from my Tomb Kings Show & Tell update a couple weeks ago, I have been busy adding more units and characters to the army and upgrading one of the existing Skeleton units.

New regiment of Skeleton Spearmen for the Tomb Kings Army

First up is a new unit of 3D printed skeletons, all spear and shield armed and I think that these were Highland Miniature figures. I'm not 100% certain as I got, these as a used but unpainted lot on eBay. All I had to do was clean them up and add bases, luckily, I had a supply of old 20mm bases, which suits me fine - this aligns with the rest of the army.

Another view of these 3D printed figures

These figures seem pretty robust and come with the shields seperate which can be added prior to painting. As ever a cream undercoat and then a wash of Skeleton Horde before a further dry brush of boney goodness. Shields and weapons were opainted light blue and then washed with blue ink to give an aging effect.

Final view of the regiment

I have gone over to using Army Painter 'Hoplite Gold' for metal work and this is a fantastic paint to use. I then drybrush thus with a bright metalic brass and then use a silver marker pen to give final highlights.

Six new Ubashi figures, these will be lead by a GW original metal Ubashi figure

Next up are six Ubashi figures, these are resin / 3D printed figures from Tabletop Figures, again sourced frmo eBay and good value for money. The figures come with 40x40mm MDF bases and the figures were superglued to these before poainting.

Close-up of one of the Ubashi, mummified animal dieties
I like the pose on this figure!

First of two figures in thi spose, thta came with the set.

I used much the same process as I used on the Carrion Birds in the last tomb Kings post, as these are also mumified figures I used Ratling Grime as a base colour to give that aged, dirty brown look.

Another nice pose!

I may neeed to do some more work on these figure's blue loin cloths, close-up photos on some of these show additional detail is required

Final Ubashi figure, again a nice pose.

Next is a new character figure, a mumified Queen Cleopatra, this is another resin figure, this time 35mm in scale and part of the 'Rumbleslam' range. Once again the painting approach was the same as for other figures.

The Mummy Queen - Cleopatra

Another view - Cleo is being raised by ethral hands to the sky!

Final view of Queen Cleo

Lastly this week there's an upgrade for a skeleton unit featured on my orginal Tomb Kings posting, this unit was originally armed with spears but had no shields. I found an old box containing some Tomb king Shields and painted these up, before adding the additional protection to my existing unit.

Selection of shields painted-up to upgrade an existing Spear only armed regiment!

Said regiment without shields, before upgrade

Upgraded unit now with shields!

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