Monday 22 July 2024

Friday Night Games: 1939 Winter War - Suomussalmi-Raate Road Actions

A Russian truck and horse drawn Field Kitchen in the depths of a Finnish Forest

Friday 19th July saw Mark put on a 20mm WW2 game with a difference, the 1939 Winter War between Finland and Russia. The scenario saw the elusive Finnish forces engage a somewhat disorganised Russian convoy in the depths of a snowy forest.

The wintery tabletop, where the Russians had to travel the length of the table from left to right,
effectively limited to the roads, due to risk of boggiong down in the ice and snow, progress was always going to be slow

On the Russian side we had Steve, Phil, Dave, Nigel, Rupert and Mike W. Mark played the Finns, the figures were Mark's and the venue was at Ruperts. Rules were an adaptation of the fabulous 'One Hour Wargames Rules'.

Close-up of entry point for many Russian units, again direction of travel willl be left to right,
note the many snow drifts and frozen ponds etc.

Russian progress was always going to be slow, with the game mechanics of the 'One Hour Rules' system, each unit on the table moves in a somewhat random sequence, thus more often thatn not the back end of the column will be delayed and stuck behind slower units to their front.

Right hand end of the road, where the Russians have to cross a frozen ruiver to enter a village,
before crossing a second frozen river to exit the table.

After initial russian deployments the Russians were informed that it was night time and that they would camp over night, starting their journey fresh in the morning.

Part of Mark's WW2 20mm Russian collection

However, the sneakiy Finns where busy overnight and the deployed road blocks that would help to cause chaos as the morning progresses for the Russians!

And part of Mark's WW2 20mm Finnish collection

Initial deployment of Nigel's units, at the rear of the Russina Column. Somewhere behind them were the NKVD,
who would enter the table later in the game.

Steve's HQ was initially deployed in the Villlage, where they had a comfy night's sleep.

Rupert's initial deployment

Dave's initial deployment

Phil's artillery deployement

The morning breaks and felled trees have been used to block the road system in a number of places

Nigel's force is relatively efficient about removing the road block and beginning to move forwards again, maybe spurred in by the later arrival of the impatiant NKVD section on the road behind them!

A  view of the convoy at daybreak

A masssive traffic jam ensues after a field kitchen got stuck in a ford the move after the road block was cleared. The NKVD way at the back are not happy and are pushing the trailing units to hurry up.

Another view of the convoy

All to play for next week when Mike N. & John will be jooining the fray on the side of the Finns.

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