Thursday, 9 January 2025

AHPC XV: From Grahame H - 15mm Dixon Samurai and 15mm Essex Babylonian Chariots (900 points)

 I decided this year that I would try and paint my 15mm Dixon Samurai. I purchased these when Dixon Miniatures used to attend shows in the UK so I have probably had these sitting in a box for more than 20 years. I have purchased a few new ones to complete units, but decided just to split what I had in two to try and make 2 armies. 

Each army is made up of three commands of six units. This leaves a few extra units which I will paint when the armies are finished. The army is based for Impetus. I find this basing can be used for multiple rule sets. Each infantry unit is made up of 16 figures and the cavalry units are 10 mounted figures. As you will see there are more units of Teppo (Arquebus) than there should be, but I went with what I had. 

Painting so many dots of colour on the armour in seven days took its toll. It greatly reduced my enthusiasm, as well as giving me back and neck ache. I won't be doing that again. You will see in the end I went for a lot of black armour to avoid some many dots.

The first command

Sub General (8pts)

The Ashigaru 

There are four units 2 with Yari (spear) and 2 with Arquebus (128 pts)

The Samurai (72 pts)

16 figure foot Samurai and 10 mounted 

Second Command 

Sub General (10 Pts)

Ashigaru Teppo Unit (32pts)

Ashigaru Yari Unit (32pts)

A Samurai Unit (32pts)

Two Ashigaru Units (64 pts)

A Samurai Unit (32pts)

Third Command

The General (24pts)

10 Mounted Samurai (40pts) 

16 Ashigaru Bowmen (32pts)

Artillery Stand (6 Crew and 2 Guns = 16pts)

Two units of Ashigaru Teppo Skirmishers each of 5 figures (20pts)

Ashigaru Teppo Unit (32pts)

Ashigaru Yari Naginata Unit (32pts)

Another Ashigaru Yari Unit (32 pts)

Ashigaru Teppo Unit (32pts)

Samurai Unit (32pts)

So that is the first Samurai Army finished totalling 702 pts. 

3 Generals
2 Mounted Units 
18 Infantry Units
1 Artillery Unit
2 Skirmisher Units 

I think that can be considered an army. The next one is made up of the same, which I am half way through. 

Just for a break between armies I also painted some Babylonian Chariots which have been outstanding for a year. These are 15mm Essex figures. 

Again based for Impetus. There are three Chariot units, 2 Sub Generals and 1 General. A total of 9 chariots Each chariot is made up of 4 hourse, 3 crew and a Chariot (16pts each) Total 144 points.

The Chariot Bases (2 chariots on a single base)

The Generals

Closer image of a chariot unit

Total Points (I think) 

Samurai Army = 702
Babylonians = 144 

Total 846pts 

Link to original AHPC XV Post <here>

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