Thursday, 30 January 2025

AHPC XV: From Grahame H - The Last of the 15mm Samurai and Two 15mm Spanish Tercio (358 points)

 Just a small posting this week as I bring my Samurai army to completion.

First up two units of Ronin each of 16 figures. These are 15mm from Two Dragon Products (Dixon)

64 pts 

The Baggage and Stuff. 

Three Large Pavise (6pts) , a very large drum (6pts)  and a Samurai getting on his horse (10pts). I have scored each piece of equipment as 2 pts. Hope that is ok. It was just easier. (Total 22pts)

There are four bases of baggage with a total of 30 figures (60pts)

Finally a Camp?

There are 12 figures on this base (24pts). In addition to the usual Dixon ones, I have added some Essex figures as I need a seated general, and as I don't like throwing figures away, I added his Essex body guard (which may be from an earlier period than the rest of the army)

So the Samurai is done (well for the moment - an army is never truly finished I'm told) 

Total 170 pts

Before I started on my next project I thought I'd have a play. I have always wanted to make an 80 years War Spanish Army but never really liked how Tercio were portrayed in the rules I have seen. I did start this army a few years back and some of the figures were shown on this site in previous challenges. However, I noticed that Baroque rules had a whole Tercio on one base, rather than made up of lots of smaller units, so I gave it a go with the remainder if the unpainted Spanish I had. Anyhow, two Spanish Tercios, 15mm Essex figures. Still not sure. 93 figures 186Pts

I have already started the next project so something new in my next post.

Total 356 pts

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