Monday 28 February 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - 14 x 28mm Victrix Dark Ages Foot , Mostly Anglo-Danish Housecarls

 This is the second posting of Victrix Anglo-Dane warriors this week! The first one being the remains of last week's delayed posting! As noted above these are mostly Anglo-Dane Housecarls to fight in the centre of the line against the Normans at Hastings, as such they are all high ranking warriors with double handed axes and plenty of other weapons.

The completed batch of Dark Age figures

Two of the party will not make the final Housecarl unit, one s a 'left over' Norman I found on my workbench last week, the other is a guy armed with a spear - as I managed to break his Axe!

Just the 12 Housecarls

With this unit composed of entirely Victrix figures, they will have a distinct look and feel to them that will make them stand out from my other Anglo-Danes who are mostly Gripping Beast figures. As previously noted, I love the figures but their poses are a little more limited than those you can achieve with the Gripping Beast sets.

Close-up of the first group of four Housecarls

All figures were spray coated with silver as an undercoat before applying suitable colours to legs, arms and tunics etc. It took quite some time to add in all the straps and scabbards etc and then I went on to flesh tones before concentrating on edging the mail coats with leather borders around the arms, neck and lower hems.

Aptly to the left - the left over Norman, to the right a spear armed, high ranking warrior

I applied Nuln Oil wash to all armoured parts to pull out the detail of the chain mail and then I used sepia on flesh areas and leather belts, straps and hemming.

The second group of four Housecarls

Other coloured washes were added as appropriate before highlighting the flesh tones again and applying matt varnish. The bases were covered by a pre-prepared scatted of fine sand, electrostatic grass and 'fine vegetation matter'

Third and final group of four Housecarls in close-up