Monday 28 February 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - 28mm Anglo-Danes

 This is the second delayed post from last week, 20 Anglo-Danes to fight against previously painted Norman adversaries, of these 10 are the double handed axe armed Housecarls.

All 20 of the completed Anglo-Danes

To be added to these - hopefully later this week will be 20 more figures, mostly additional Housecarls to form the basis of the Anglo-Dane elites at Hastings for my 1066 Project.

10 Housecarls - plus one! All these figures are Victrix

These figures were based and then primed with silver paint, prior to a dark wash to help pick out the figures' details- ready for later painting.

Close up on 6 of the Housecarls, third from left is standing sharpening his axe

Most of these figures are high status individuals so I have tried to reflect this in their dress and the use of cloaks and furs to help them stand out. Many of the figures are Victrix and as such have a distinctive feel to them when compared to the Gripping beast figures I have for the rest of the Anglo-Dane Army.

Another for Victrix Housecarls. I broke the axe shaft for the guy on the right
so now he is relega
ted to using a hand axe and demoted from the Housecarl gang!

After the application of colours suitable for their varied clothing, a number of different coloured washes were applied to add shading and again pick out detail.

5 Wargames Factory (now Warlord Games) figures 'upgraded using spare Victrix parts
- heads, weapons etc 

Matt Varnish was applied before basing in my usual manner.

Final four figures, a Victrix Earl on left, three more 'upgraded' Wargames Factory figures,
slinger on right and clubman second right