Monday 14 February 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - Odds & Ends

  I don't know about everyone else but I'm often trying out new figures to see how they paint-up or to add one or two additional details to existing collections etc.

Here are a few that have been on my workbench the last few weeks awaiting finishing and I finally go around to completing them.

First up is a 35mm Gladiator figure to add to my Jugular collection, this guy is in the Greek style, armed with a short sword and a small shield, with just his sword arm armoured.

Jugula Gladiator

I kept the paint scheme simple, with a red loincloth, brown leather straps and shield cover and brass and iron armour and fittings.

Rear view

The skin was given a flesh wash and coloured washes were applied elsewhere as appropriate before varnishing and basing

Another view

Next up are two Spartan warriors, not your historical kind but more akin to those found in the 300 films. These are 28mm 3D prints and were so much fun to paint. Red cloaks, a lot of brass work and a lot of skin tones!

The two '300' Style Spartans

Spartan spearman

Spartan swordsman

Next, some people may have caught a sneak peek of a couple weeks back, a 15mm mounted figure representing Captain Nolan at the Charge of the Light Brigade, by Eureka Figures. Not much to say here but a lot of gold braiding & bullion on show

Capt. Nolan charging headlong down the valley

Reverse view

Next two 28mm Ottoman Turkish Officers. These have been converted from the Perry Miniatures Afghan plastic set by adding resin heads and that's pretty much it! Painted to represent Ottoman Officers and to be used as markers to impart additional morale to units in upcoming games.

The Two Ottoman Officers

Without too much scrutiny, these simple conversions make passible Ottomans!

Another view

Rear view of the Ottoman Officers

Next is a Space Marine on a Motorcycle, I usually go for Ultra Marines but this guy was part of a set given to me some years ago and believe that these from the Deathwing of the Blood Angels? Anyway  have been playing with it for the last few weeks and finally gotten round to finishing it.

I counted the Motorcycle as a vehicle for 20 points and then added the marine for an additional 5 points. Not sure if this is OK but will allow Peter D to decide. If OK this will count as an additional Squirrel point for the Space Marines