Monday 21 February 2022

AHPC XII: From Mike W - Classic Warhammer Orc Warriors

This week my 'Production Line' suffered a significant down-time - although there is a very good reason for this! My latest Grandchild (and third Granddaughter) arrived last weekend and I have been engrossed in this new little bundle of joy all week...

That said I am pleased to present here 2 x Classic Warhammer Warriors, dating back from the 1990s, as a companion for the Classic Orc Archers I completed last week.

Completed Unit of 12 Classic Orc Warriors

These guys were already undercoated black and had three figures with damaged swords in the group. As such I was able to convert one figure into a Standard Bearer, utilising an old Beastman Standard I had in the spares box.

Undercoated figures

Another was converted into a Musician by taking the Horn from a Goblin Rider, again found in the spares box, whilst the final figure had a Goblin Sword added. Luckily the scale creep in Games Workshop figures over the years has meant that these spare parts were not seriously out of whack.

The Command figures of the unit, all converted / fixed to lesser of greater extents

The figures were painted in the same style as the recent Orc Archers, trying to keep that old school uniform look but I did add a red wash to their clothing hoping to give them a red hue, I had ideas of calling this unit the 'Red Guard'. Unfortunately this did not work very well so black washes were applied over this.

Close-up of some of Da Boyz

Skin was given a green wash and then highlighted with the original Goblin Green Army Painter colours.

Goblin shields were also liberated from the spares box, as replacements for the long lost originals, they were painted on the sprue and after gluing in place the whole figure was varnished.